xX Chapter Nine - the arcade queen Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

"Lwt's go then Joey! or are you scared that I'm onna beat you at another video game?" you say sticking your tounge out "who said that i lost t you before" you get an anime sweatdrop and said: when you came over 2 my house for teh very first time you lost to me ....50 times i think?" you say laughing joey gets an aniem sweat drop."dude you lost to Jaycelynn?" A guy says."HEy Jason i didn't knwo you came to Jpan too!" you smile.
Joey's pov
You turn to se a guy that look kinda like Jaycelynn but with s boy cut and emerald green eyes and think black glasses."o joey this is my Tiwn brother Jason!i guess he did come to Japan!" Jayceylnn smiles."t-t-twin brother?"you stutter."hey can i talk to joey some where privatre? jaycelynn" Jason asks "ok i'll go p,ay DDR by myself!" your girlfreind says walking awa too the DDR machine.He pushes you to the wall "ok if you break my sister's heart i'll make your pretty boy face not so pretty" he says backing away "got it?" "y-y-y-yessir!" you say very frightened."good" he ays wakling away ~ok i better not break my first and only love"s heart~ you think."hey joey check out all the tickets i got!from playing a game reommened by health experts" jaycelynn says running up to you."ll that from DDR?" "yupp!"
your pov
"sooooooooooo what now?" joey asks "i'll take anyone on!" you hear Tea say."eh?" you say turning around to see tea on the karoke rev. machine (i know thta there isn't a karoke rev. game at any arcade but ya..this is a drema had)
damn you Tea me:join the TEa dn alexis hater's club!
"I'l take you on!" you say smirking "...she's hard to beat Jaycelynn!" joey says worried "hey you're talking to the queen of games in Canada here!" yo say "oops..i wasn't supposed to say that" "quen of games?dueling quenn of games??" joey says sturttering ashicked "ya......i was 15 at the time and i was a pretty good duelist i was gonna bring my eeck in cse but ....i didn't want to lose my title " you say rubbing the back of your neck."wow canada the seond biggest country of thw world" "it was taken place in Ottawa.."."ok i'm gonna wi theis roubnd!" Tea says with her arms int he air "o it's so on!" you say smirking.She picks Since you've been gone by kelly clarkson on expert and dancing on expert.
# minutes and 45 seonds later
"ok my turn!" you say jumpibg on to the machine.You pick Everytime we touch by Casadasa i forget er name lol and pick it on expert with dancing on expert You wer sounding aweosme and dancng as good as you sang."wow..she's good" joey says blushing.
3 mintues later
Yuo check your score and it was an A "beat that TEa i win!" youi say making a peace sign with your rigth hand "you're good i accept Defaeat" tea says smiling "Freinds again?" you ask "ya" Yuo smile.
noo i'm ferind with ehr agian me:sory bout that!
Yuo get off of teh machine."you're the new arcade queen " a geek says "heh heh it's ok i'm just good at video games" you say bakcing away slwoly."i'm hungry" joey says "ya me to!" you say."o god they're alike!" yugi says laughing his head of.sonn tea,tirstan and bakura who was surprislying there start to laugh."ok let's go to my house i can cook pretty good!" you say with your eyes twinkling "ya she;s good!" joey smiles.
At your house
"ok ti's odne!"you say bringin tout the pizza."nice!" joey says
nice!i smoked TEa and i get pizza! me:ya i hoep this makes up 4 being freind with her1