xX Chapter 10 - 7 minutes in heaven... WITH YUGI MOTO?! Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

"great pizza jay!" ygi says smiling ~he's such a ncie kid...hwo old is he?he is the same heigth as me when i was 12..~ you think."thanks you!" yuo say smiling.
2 hours later
"that was fun" tea said "oh i'm haiving a birthday party ..i'm having a party 4 t so i can feel young and stuf" she continues "k i'm like that to.." you say rubbing the back of your neck."i bet i can beatn you all at jaycelynn's game!" you her joey say ".....i beat you so amny times joey.." you sigh.everyone else gets aniem sweatdrops "...you're my dork joeye" you say smling "i'm not a drok!" he says "ya u kinda are" tristan says.evrybody laughs.
true ture me:yup but he's a sexy dork...HE'S MINE! you:....he likes me more me:..joey what do you think joey:i'm not getting into this and i'm already going out with you jay! me:ha!
The next day at the party
"happy birthdaty tea!" you smile."thanks you! the party is down stairs!" he says "mmkay!come on joey!" you smile "coming!" he says running inside the house.Yuo guys go down stiars and see bakura,yugi,tirstan and some how...seto and marik are there."joey whs that?" you ask pointing at a bonde guy with tannned skin "o hs anme marik" joey answrs "ok!".You guys sit odwn."umm ok i entered your guys name inot a hat for a game...just so u knwo i enerted mine i there to!" tea says.everybody nodds ther head."ok the first anme is jaycelynn" she contiues."umm what game is this?" you ask "7 minutes in heaven.." she says.~eek!if i dont' get joey it's gonna be soo awkward~ you think with a worried face.all of the guys are praying to be with you."and..yigi.." sje says "what?!" you and yugi say at teh sa etime.
Joey's pov
when you heard yugi's name you were
"o god..." your girl freind says.
yugi's pov
when yo heard your name you were
~yes?i dunno she's my bestfriends girlfriend~ you think and you look up to se jaycelynn banign her head on the wall.
your pov
"oww that hurt.." you say and everybody gets anime sweatdrops."ok in the closet.." tea says.Yuot ol go inot the closet and tea locks the door behind you.Yuosit down and "listen this si realy awkward for me and...i don't wanna do anything because i do't wanna hurt joey" you say "....ok" yugi says a little depressed "listen ..if i wans't with joey i would but no..i can't" you say looking at himj in the eye."you would?" "ya..i would..just out of curiosty...no offence or anythign...are you really that shirt?" you ask blushing at boldness yugi trans forms and he lok taller "o god u have a yami?i thoguth just my broyher did" you say surprised."your brother has oen too?" he says "ya...he doesn't have glasses " you say laughing.the door opens "ok you to you didn't do anthign now did you?a few more girls cam esoo ti'll be even" tea says "no i didn't do anythung just alking" you confess.You lok up seeing joey smle when he heard thise words.You walk over to him and sit down next to him.
*yugi fan girls cry* me:.....ths si a JOEY love story so get out please