A biracial girl who moved to Japan in her last year of middle school with her mother and twin sister after the death of their father. She runs the girl gang The Rabbids.
A biracial girl who moved to Japan in her last year of middle school with her mother and twin sister after the death of their father. She runs the girl gang The Rabbids.
A shy and awkward girl who always admired Jean and wished he’d just notice her instead of pining for Mikasa :’(
rimon suu is a water bender from the southern water tribe, though nobody really knows where she came from or who her parents were. she just showed up on the land in a bundle of flowers, even though it was the middle of winter. she grew up with sokka and katara, the latter being the only other water bender in the whole tribe. they would often practice togther, though rimon had to teach katara a few things. sokka had a crush on rimon, though she never noticed.
they found aang by accident and began their journey. everyone loved rimon but she would not know true love until she had met jet five minutes after everyone else because she had trouble double knotting her shoes. jet and rimon fell in love at first sight and rimon ditched the avatar and friends to join the freedom fighters temporarily. to keep jet in line.
she met up with the gaang in ba sing se and regretted not being able to save jet even though she was the best healer EVER. when everything was over, rimon still felt empty inside due to her losing her true love and began waterbending.
she water bended so hard that she travelled through time. she wound up in republic city and came across tahno, captain of the wolf bats. they fell in love but then jet somehow showed up and they all had a threesome and were married.
also she’s the spirit of spring (thats why she has pink hair and purple eyes) and can fire bend too. her only flaws are that she doesn’t have 20/20 vision and she cant earth or airbend. she is perfect.
A nerd with dreams of being an actress and scriptwriter. However, that’s not going well and she works at Hooters.
An intern at People’s Magazine that works under Michael Gold, who likes to flirt with her, not that’s a big accomplishment or anything. At work, she can be considered fairly plain and boring because she is very focused on her work and proving that she can be a good journalist. Outside of work, she is rather flashy and outgoing with her outfits that she definitely stole from Madonna; most people from work might think she might be another person entirely. A mostly sexual relationship between her and Michael begins after they run into each other at a club, though weeks into it he realizes that she has certain tendencies that remind him of his friend Alex…
Tadashi Hamada’s fiance/widow. A sweet lolita who he met and clicked with in high school. She plans on being an author and literature teacher when she graduates high school. Things have been put on hold after the death of her love, however.
An art student at SFIT’s art branch, Masuyo is an old friend of Tadashi who was greatly affected by his passing. However, she is saved one evening by a new anti-hero, Onryo, who she eventually teams up with under the name Kusanagi.
Sosuke Aizen’s ward in Soul Society. Hopelessly dedicated to her “older brother” to a fault and is eventually killed and reborn as Hotaru Kurosaki.
Twin sister to Ichigo Kurosaki… if he lived anyway. A regular teen girl who gets caught up in a world where she saves a Soul Reaper named Byakuya’s life and accidentally takes his powers. Is basically just genderbent Ichigo but a somehow bigger Mary Sue.
A sexist Quincy who is dealing with a lot of internalized prejudices to try to make herself the “ideal woman”.
An orphan who takes care of her younger sickly brother and wields her family heirloom at all times... a fucking katana.
Pop Singer, Romance Novelist, Cartoonist and brain surgeon. The newest sensation on tour with The Hong Kong Cavaliers, Sage Spence also known as Manitoba, finds love with Dr. Sidney Zweibel aka New Jersey, the newest member.
An apprentice Slayer to Buffy and weird anime magic powers that enable her to draw energy from the area to create bows and arrows.
An extremely beautiful pastel goth-ish woman with sexah waist-length blue-purple-fuschia gradient hair and violet eyes. Her boobs are big despite her waist being teeny tiny and has a huge lopping ass. She is NOT like other girls. She has a SCIENCE degree and is a GENIUS and wears COOL GOTH CLOTHES unlike those PREPS and she LOVES DOGS and thats why shes the intern of Dr Charles Brody who is trying to cure humanity of its allergy to dogs. they FUCK but its NOT HER FAULT they are IN LOVE and it doesnt MATTER if hes MARRIED OK THEYRE IN LOVE
A motherly devil hunter who forged a contract with the Vomit Devil.
Avalon Tara Hoshi Sakura Ayaka Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Anorexia Lovely Rose Crimson B'loody Moon Tsuki Love Lilypad Kawaii Desu Sparkle Isabella Marie Swan UHMAZIN’ SexehTwilight Mary Sue is an amazingly beautiful girl with rainbow drill hair eyes, caramel skin and thin enough to be anorexic while having big loppin boobs. She was shipped with Ask that Guy and would’ve redeemed him uwu if I kept going with that joke trainwreck of a fic.
An edgy gothic lolita assassin who is out to destroy Linkara and even teams up with Mechakara to eliminate her enemy. Had a giant fucking anime sword. I never did anything with this character and thank fuck for that honestly.
Jenniffer, or Jenny if you are a close bestie XD, is the destroyer of worlds and forests on a mission to destroy Pink and Blue who are harbingers of chaos and keep burning down her favorite iHop. Her mission is put on hold when she meets Charlie the Unicorn, a regular victim of the chaotic duo’s mayhem, and love blossoms. She is not a prep.
A mechanic from Mars who has a casual friends-with-benefits relationship with Spike Spiegel… but could there be more?
A new student to Arasaka Academy and new to the Corpo scene as her father recently got a promotion at Arasaka Corp. She’s a disgusting sadomasochist who loves being tortured by her bully and lover, Katsuo Tanaka.
A former Corpo who got fucked over real hard by her superior and gets a new start as a mercenary with her childhood friend, Jackie Wells. She is fucked over again during a mission to steal a chip from Arasaka and gets Johnny Silverhand stuck in her head. Wow!
A famous florist and gardener that was hired by the British Royal Family to tend to their gardens. She claims to be a plant and that’s why she’s able to take care of them so well due to a psychic link. She is just roleplaying and eats nothing but meat… allegedly.
A retired joke character that I still have fondness for. The orphan daughter of cops, Bob and Ladyhawke MacShakeit who took up post as a pig herself. She has a secret affair with Ushah Johnson but soon falls in love with autistic swagger himself, Special Agent Francis York Morgan.
An agent of the White Room who watches over York and Zach. She takes the form of a young woman in Greenvale that… nobody can really remember.
A Canadian orphan who was sent to Whammy’s House at a young age and bonded with L. Lawliet. Their friendship eventually blossomed into love and they promised to get married one day… after he finished the Kira case. An eternally sleepy bitch who has a fear of scissors.
A Canadian gravure model who started as a catalogue model but got caught up in racy scenes due to an abusive boyfriend who used her for financial gain. After wanting to take control of her life after an incident, she meets up with lawyer, Teru Mikami, who she sees as her saviour.
A serial killer who killed her family in hopes of being noticed by Kira who she sees as a God.
Daughter of criminals who abused her and her younger sister, Jezebel comes across her own Death Note after hearing about Kira and is inspired by them to help cleanse the world of pain.
A descendant of kitsune demons that winds up crashing into Touta Matsuda and I honestly forget it was such a weird OC even for the time.
A half-demoness, her dad was nothing special though, looking for fame and fortune. She looks up to the demon hunter, Dante, and wants to copy his sick swag and be his official apprentice though he is not interested. She eventually meets Nero who she considers to be her true love.
Supposed long lost daughter to Sparda and the angel, Amata, Lavinia connects with her brothers Dante and Vergil but doesn’t know that she’s being manipulated by her mother who is a bitter jilted admirer of the powerful demon.
A lust demon who was summoned to earth during the Sabbath that brought Devilman into the world. She clings to Akira Fudo, the host of Amon who she admired in hell.
The Child of Determination. A shy, cowardly girl who was bullied by her older brothers and relies heavily on her best friend and neighbour, Jyou Kido, but eventually learns to come out of her shell and live her best life.
A girl in Saiki’s grade that is madly in love with him after seeing him save a puppy and destroy a van in the process, though he erased the last part of her memory to keep up appearances. No matter how many times he tries to get her feelings to change, it just doesn’t work. He knows that she’s generally harmless, but, can’t help but feel nervous considering she dyed her hair pink and had her last name legally changed to Saiki…
Coriander, also known as Cori to her loved ones, is an elf born and raised in the Denerium Alienage. Cori isn’t much of a people person, she doesn’t quite get others and can come off as unnecessarily blunt and kind of rude because of this. She’s aware that it’s a problem and tried to fix it by bottling all her feelings up, to the point where her family doesn’t know she’s a lesbian and she’s to marry a man… Oops. After the wedding went awry thanks to an awful group of human men who assaulted her cousin and other elven women, Cori was to be sent to prison despite defending herself. She got out of it thanks to being recruited into the Grey Wardens by Duncan, the man who tried to recruit her mother in the past.
A cocky asshole who is used to getting nearly everything he wants. Life used to be easy until another white guy wanted more power and nearly killed his entire family, damn, sucks to be Craig.
An elven mage who does not remember her past before The Circle. She was raised by another elf whose name was Surana who eventually passed away during his Harrowing. She’s a pious girl who was taken advantage of by the Chantry and did not want to become a Grey Warden when she was recruited as she saw her existence as an abomination.
A dwarf from Dust Town who worked herself to the bone to try to save her family who treated her fairly poorly as she wasn’t as beautiful as her sister, Rica, who she didn’t resemble. Many people wonder if she actually is a Brosca to believe with as she looks very similar to Princess Aeducan and her late mother…
The favourite child of King Endrin, Princess is a rough and rowdy if naïve young noble dwarf who resents the caste system but is unsure of how to dismantle it. Her late mother was a former noble hunter turned concubine of the then-prince. She is caught up in a power struggle and conspiracy and soon banished to the Deep Roads but is recruited to become a Grey Warden.
A Dalish elf belonging to the Lavellan clan. It turns out that she is the cousin to the Hero of Fereldan, Dove Surana who was snatched by the Circle at a young age, someone she looks up to. She’s naive, sweet and eager to please whoever she can, especially if they’re someone she adores, to the point where it hurts her or others. Her relationship with Cullen Rutherford, former Templar and her military advisor, only highlights this. Also her breast milk cures all wounds and addictions uwu.
A childhood friend of Gohan who has a massive crush on him but isn’t sure how to go about it especially after he meets Videl. One day, she comes across an alien vigilante who crashed on Earth and inherits his prized belt, a device that lets her transform into the masked hero, Soaring Star!
The mother of Remin and former member of the Z Warriors but retired after an injury which took away her ability to walk.
The result of incorrectly taking birth control and then not using it anymore because you are in fucking outer space. Andy is Mac and Val’s child, making him half-human and half-Jhzallan though it seems that he’s not the first. He appears more human, just with natural mauve colored body hair of various shades and two hearts like his father. He isn’t very good at replicating sounds and is embarrassed about it. He takes after his dad a lot, but he’s very bubbly like his mom!
A girl who just moved to Eltingville after the messy divorce of her parents and happens to have a massive interest in anime, manga and Japanese culture as a whole. She catches wind of the Eltingville Comics, Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi club and asks to join… However, they say fuck off no girls allowed. She starts a secret relationship with Bill Dickey.
A woman chosen to entertain the inner circle of her Vault’s Overseer who is eventually sent out to find the water chip as the circle finds a new young woman to entertain them. A kind-hearted woman who wants to do the right thing but winds up being taken advantage of more often than not. She eventually makes a settlement in the wasteland to keep in touch with someone who she loves dearly, Killian Darkwater.
A courier in the Mojave desert who gets caught in a “rigged game” for power over New Vegas. Not much is known about her yet. Her family apparently used to come from Arroyo
The daughter of Delphine and Uryuu Ryuunosuke’s brief affair in Fuyuki during the Fourth Holy Grail War. She does not know who her father is and it bothers her. She bonds with Gilles de Rais who served her father during Fuyuki. Think of her as another version of Gudako/Ritsuka Fujimaru.
A mage from a long line, though not nearly as prestigious as the Ell-Melloi Family, of mages. A student at Clock Tower who takes interest in Waver Velvet, a third generation mage with little to no magic circuits. She catches him stealing their professor’s catalyst for the Holy Grail War and blackmails him into letting her fight along side him. She goes to Fuyuki first and is seduced and kidnapped by Ryuunosuke Uryuu.
A miqote belonging to an influential family and was the eldest daughter who was ignored in favour for her younger brother. She grew tired and rebellious due to her family’s strict attitude which only made them even more strict. They planned on marrying her off to another influential family’s son to join his harem but she ran away. She keeps people at arms length despite her initial friendliness and copes with her loneliness by being an enormous hoebag who gets trans run on her daily
Daughter to the King of Almyra and one of his concubines, Delshad is a seemingly warm and nurturing young woman that hides a wicked and obsessive heart. She adores her older brother, Shahid, to the point of sickness.
One of the princesses of Nohr, though, she has been locked away in a fortress far from the capital, Windmire. It’s almost as if King Garon doesn’t want anything to do with her. She was taken under the wing of one of his knights, Gunter, whom she shares a deep bond with. It goes deeper than familial however, at least on her part. Euphemia has been in love with Gunter since he showed her kindness, something she wasn’t used to in this cold fortress. He tries to ignore her feelings however. She’s close with her butler, Jakob, and siblings.
The eldest son of Count Lorenz Hellman Gloucester and his wife, Marguerite. Due to his “common” birth mother, Florian and his siblings and mother have been mocked by other nobles which gave the boy a complex. He aims to be the perfect gentleman and noble. Even more so than his father or Ferdinand did. He doesn’t show emotion besides pleasantness. He is doted on by his mother who just wants him to enjoy his youth.
The daughter of Count Erwin Gloucester’s consultant and aspiring personal knight of Lorenz, Marguerite is a ball of anxious lovesick energy. She is of Brigid descent but does not have any real ties to her culture aside from physical appearance. While she longs to be Lorenz’s true love, she understands how improper it’d be for him to take her as a lover and she is content to be at his side as a knight. However, as Byleth teaches the both of them that status isn’t everything… they eventually fall truly and deeply in love and get married.
Unlike her older brother who strives to be anything but a noble stereotype, Primrose however doesn’t try, not that she needs to. She has a penchant for socializing, though its to get as much dirt on the other person as possible in case she ever needs it. She’s been spoiled more than her brother, partially because he didn’t want to be spoiled and perhaps some… biases from others due to her appearance that makes her look Of Fodlan rather than part-Brigidian like her mother and brother do. She longs for her ‘uncle’ Khalid, who was the one who named her when she was born, though he doesn’t give her the time of day…
A girl in Haruka Nanase’s neighbourhood, one that he and Makoto used to play with, but had grown distant when they had both gotten into swimming. Akira isn’t athletic, as shown with her soft, chubby body from mostly staying indoors and static most of the time. When her parents had to go overseas for work when she started high school, they asked the Nanase Family to take her in while they were gone. Which they agreed to but… Haruka’s parents were also busy with work, leaving the two alone. For the most part, they stay out of each other’s hair since they’re both rather introverted and into their own things.
A counsellor at the new camp at Crystal Lake because people just don’t learn. She secretly hopes that Jason is real because she’s a weirdo freak and sympathized with his story. They eventually meet and she gets the zombie plap plap.
A fan of the ghostbusters originally hailing from Northern Manitoba and recently moved to Harlem, New York City. She worked at Aldrige Mansion and was in a relationship with Garrett, her fellow tour guide, and felt that she needed to fix him. She eventually breaks up with him to get with Jillian Holtzmann who teaches her that she doesn’t need to be a manic pixie dream girl.. by being her manic pixie dream girl. Has the strange ability to repel ghosts herself.
Newbie member of the Ghostbusters after they put out an ad for a ‘tester’. A bit of an eccentric freak herself and is a crystal girlie, Ash joins the team. She’s ditzy and has her head in the clouds but has a strange ability that draws ghosts and spirits towards her. Friendly with Ray and Winston, the latter not being a parapsychologist himself so they just hang out more often than not, but has a crush on Egon, Janine and Peter who does get on her nerves sometimes.
The Morris’ Family’s babysitter and next door neighbor, she’s considered to be fairly cool to the kids, but it’s more than obvious that she is considered a giant dork even in the year of 1996. She’s not really aware of what the family had gone through a year or so ago, so when the kids she was watching have disappeared and Lizzie explains that it has something to do with the Horrorland tickets… R.L is more than frazzled and panicky. She helps Lizzie find her brother and friend, but refuses to let the girl distract Dracula in fear that she might get hurt and acts as the distraction herself. Unfortunately, she winds up falling for the vampire despite him trying to kill the family. She either makes it out with the family in the end (Madison being their new neighbor ending) or ends up trapped in the park with Dracula and becomes some blood juice box thing :’).
A crazed fan and groupie of The Gorillaz that somehow always manages to bang Murdoc despite his distaste for how insane she is. Insane pussy game.
The much younger wife of Deputy Vilmos Kovacs, their marriage is a big topic for gossip among bored housewives in the neighborhood. Though, no one knows that they don’t even sleep in the same rooms let alone the same bed. Cvetka is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered girl that has a tendency to let people walk all over her, which makes her ripe for cruel people–like a certain Count–to take advantage of even after the events of her shadowy past that she doesn’t like to talk about. She is very devoted to her husband, feeling nothing but grateful and admiration for him after he took her in though she wishes that she could be a “true wife” to him with a family
A spacenoid from Side 7 who was training for nursing so she mainly helps out in the Medbay on White Base. Horrifically tsundere and bad at it. Kai gets under her skin like crazy.
A lovesick communications officer who fawns over the pilot, Quattro Bajeena. She considered learning how to pilot a mobile suit herself just to spend more time with Quattro on the battlefield but was talked out of it due to the danger her devotion would cause to missions. They have some form of a relationship but he keeps her at arms length emotionally.
The younger sister of Mondo and fellow citizen of Shangri-La. She's a shy but extremely knowledgeable young girl with a fascination of Char Aznable and his exploits during the One Year War who is currently hunting for more knowledge as his time as Quattro Bajeena. The group tends to think of her as another little sister much like Leina is though she wishes she could be seen as more than that... especially by Judau, her ultimate crush.
A sardonic young extrovert who moved to Haddonfield in the third grade. She became friends with fellow new kid and Native American, Bijou Hart. Eventually, they’d meet fellow Native kids Moon ‘n’ Stars Morris, Lynn Curtis, Jason Lee Cranston and Dolores Orth. She winds up dating Dolores after high school and ultimately breaks up with her when she realizes she loved Bijou. Unfortunately, Bijou and her wind up being ostracized from the group due to Dolores’ lies.
A shy and anxious athlete who happens to be a transracial adoptee from Red Bank, New Jersey. She moved to Haddonfield in the third grade and became friends with Alice. She eventually meets fellow Native Americans who help her feel a little closer to her Native heritage. She has loved Alice dearly since the day they met and unfortunately makes the decision to confess her feelings while Alice is dating Dolores. The two wind up ostracized from the group due to Dolores’ lies. Even worse for Bijou is that she winds up a victim of a vicious stalker…
A sad beautiful girl who recently moved to Haddonfield, Illinois to get away from her shitty ex-boyfriend in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and start fresh. But then she moved into the Myers House oh noooooo…? She’s so hot and her tragic eyes melt Michael’s heart and they fall in love and bang all the time and wow he’s so good despite being a virgin wrow
A Haddonfield native, born and raised, who was born to older parents and was a lonely child. After an incident with a babysitter, her parents retired to focus on raising her and spoiling her rotten. She meets her best friend, Jason Lee Cranston who introduces her to other genuine friends. She meets Alice Linklater and falls deeply in love.. until she cheated on her and dumped her. She convinces her other friends to ditch them. One night, there is a Halloween party on Tower Farm and is unfortunately injured in a massacre that Michael Myers caused. She wants revenge on the man who hurt her and her friends…
Outspoken, confident and emotional, Jason Lee Cranston is well known in Haddonfield, Illinois for his bold fashion choices and athleticism. Originally from Madison, Wisconsin (born in Maine during his parent’s honeymoon, however) but moved to Haddonfield in 1980 due to his step-father getting a job transfer. He began crossdressing in high school and will steal your girl and then her clothes. He’s best friends with Dolores Orth and protects her fiercely. Winds up being put into a coma after the Tower Farm Massacre.
A loud outspoken woman with a penchant for serial killers, horror movies and the supernatural. She loves the Friday the 13th movies and other slasher movies which makes her slightly unpopular with the paranoid community of Haddonfield. She winds up a victim of the Tower Farm Massacre.
A Cree man born in Canada but raised in Illinois, whose family is scattered about Manitoba and the Midwest, landing him in Haddonfield, Illinois. One of Jason Lee Cranston’s best friends. He keeps to himself and is considered fairly grumpy. A victim of the Tower Farm Massacre.
A girl that lived across the street from the Dursleys and was under the care of Mrs Figg after her parents were killed by Voldemort also when she was a toddler. He was unable to kill her as well and also got a scar from it, though it was in the shape of a star on her forehead. I shit you not. She was just a Japanese female version of Harry with hazel eyes physically. Personality wise, she was awkward and shy, with little confidence in her magic despite being more in touch with it than Harry was. They also start dating in their third year.
A half-blooded Hufflepuff student whose favourite subject was Divination. Perpetually tired from her trying to avoid sleep at all costs and is plagued with random visions that only show her bad things, so she’s plagued with nightmares. Worst part is that sometimes they come true. Really likes Quidditch but could never play it due to her being tired all the time and that visions may come during the game, winds up selling merchandise for it when she’s an adult.
A pure-blooded witch who was the secret granddaughter of Albus Dumbledore, well, the only one left. Her mother’s identity was kept a secret to protect her or something as was her children, Harmony and her older twin Lexy, but that all went out the window when some tragic accident happened that left everyone but Harmony dead. It was then that Albus took her in and swept away those mysteries; Harmony was his granddaughter and she kinda revelled in that. She was proud to be of his kin. So when Dumbledore was dead, it left her with no one and she did not take it well. She catches the eye of Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and they start immediately dating… but something keeps drawing her towards Draco, the boy with no choice….. but to kill her granddad :’(((((
The most specialestt and powerful-est witch ever. She masters in illusions and every subject but her favourite has to be DADA. Every boy finds her super hot and charming while all the girls, except for Luna who thinks shes cool, copes and seethes over not being as special. She’s so special that she has her own special house, Sparklypoo (I can’t remember the actual name I came up with as a kid lol), cuz she showed all the qualities of all the houses.
A no-nonsense “rogue” mag bounty hunter that isn’t taken seriously despite her EPIC SKILLZ who is shipped with Creedence Barebone I made this character on a whim one day and did nothing with her RIP.
An extremely tired college dropout that would have gotten a degree in English, if she didn’t get cold feet or realize that there wasn’t much of a point. She works at Blockbuster and is always on the border of getting fired due to her poor people skills. She meets her partner, David Levinson, one day when he comes to fix her cable and something blossoms.
A concept for a character I didn’t do anything with as a kid. A powerful priestess who was a princess on the run after her kingdom was massacred by a horde of demons led by Naraku who wanted to use her for her power. She was also targeted by Sesshomaru who wanted the crystal who gave her the power.
Originally created in 2004 and one of my first true fancharacters, Kiki is a girl from the modern era who fell into a well in the ocean and was turned into a half-demon like Inuyasha who she was paired up with.
The daughter of two scientists looking to the legend of the Saniwa, a sage who could breathe life into inanimate objects and discovered that she herself was the latest incarnation of the saniwa. They tested on her nonstop which eventually caused her to run away and hide in the well at the Higurashi Shrine. She was too weak to climb out when she wound up in the Feudal Era and made a contract with a dying demon, Sue, to live. She became a half-demon this way and eventually travels with Kagome after stealing a bunch of historical swords and fucking up the timeline.
A concept for a character I had as a kid where Miroku winds up going into the future and is lost. He’s taken in by Usagi, a modern girl with dreams of becoming a singer, and they fall in love.
A succubus who was summoned to Devil’s Kettle and resident hot dog eating champion. Roman Duda catches her eye and she can’t bring herself to kill and eat him after seeing his big amazing penis.
An assassin that’s affiliated with Passione, specifically La Squadra Esecuzioni, but has trouble getting along with others so she’s left to her own devices. It works out for her considering the OP nature of her Stand, Sweeping Romance, which enables her to control blood, which makes her ideal for stealth based missions. She’s fairly obnoxious; loud, ojou-sama laughs at EVERYTHING, extremely vain and arrogant, thinks most people are below her and can’t comprehend when people aren’t madly in love with her. Honestly not considered a threat by most… if they don’t know her stand. She’s a cruel sadist as well but easily rolls over and shows her belly for certain people who look at her a certain way… and not in a cowardly sorta way either.
Son of Joseph Joestar and Passion Angelakos, an extremely tired businessman who just wants to get over this overdramatic stand user bullshit.
A young mangaka who is obsessed with American culture and alternative fashion who has a petty long-standing grudge towards Rohan Kishibe. They were once students at the same school and in the art club. He insulted her once and she vowed to get her revenge one day. She shows up in Morioh after hearing that Rohan moved there and tries to humiliate him with her stand, Killer Barbys. Eventually, she becomes an editor of his after taking a hiatus on creating her own manga.
Leader of the Madonnas, a girl gang that was an offshoot of the motorcycle gang known as The Speed Kings, that was recently held back a year in school due to truancy. A tough, lovesick girl who wants true romance and falls in love with Josuke Higashikata and hopes to make him hers. She has history with Yuuya Fungami whose inability to settle down with just her and only her pissed her off. Has a poison based stand called Love Potion No. 9 after being hit by one of Keicho’s arrows.
An indigenous woman from Canada who shacked up with a wealthy European man and is on the longest Bachelorette Party known to man. Her fiance funds her trip across the world where she ‘samples the meats’. She stumbles across two loud, angry white guys in Italy and falls for Joseph Joestar and joins his fight against the Pillarmen as she has a strange ability known as The Ripple and “a stand” called Cuddle Fuddle that enables her to cast strange effects on her enemies and allies. Eventually, she leaves Joseph to be with her fiance but stays in touch. She gives birth to Jonah Joestar later.
a hardkore GOFF that goes to school with jotaro and kakyoin. she has a stand called “the birthday massacre” because she’s TOO COOL FOR THE ARCANA. midler and mariah are her bffs and jotaro and kakyoin are her bfs ;).
The Seventh Stand User who has TWO stands because she’s just that special; the support and healing stand known as The Cardigans and a notebook that allows her to warp reality if she writes in it. A giant fucking weeaboo on an exchange trip to Japan who gets wound up in her classmate’s journey to save his mother. Eventually becomes the mother of Jolyne Cujoh.
The most cursed human being alive. Even Gojo shivers in their power. One of the very few friends of Junpei Yoshino whom they couldn’t save from their fate. Wears ahegao print 24/7.
Anna is Ian’s next door neighbor’s kid and JT’s childhood friend (and first ever crush). She’s extremely thirsty for Mr. Malcolm and Jeff Goldblum–because they both look the same–and often writes about them in her password journal. A giant nerd and dork that got to skip a grade or two due to her advanced reading and writing level, which are being used to write genderbend ApprenticeShipping (Professor Oak x Tracey Sketchit) fanfiction that totally just isn’t Ian/Her fanfiction in disguise. Despite being four years older, she considers JT to be a great friend because no one else really puts up with her bullshit–does not get along with Kelly because of this. When she’s an adult, she becomes famous for her 50 Shades-esque novels that star a woman and man that look suspiciously like her and Ian…
A university student hoping to get their diploma in dinosaur behaviour and psychology as it is a new field thanks to Jurassic World existing. She is also a student of Dr Ian Malcolm simply because he was involved with the original Jurassic Park at one point. Somehow, someway, an affair between them starts however he’s reluctant to go all the way with her for obvious reasons. Frustrated, she signs up for an internship at Jurassic World that allows her to get some hands on experience with the dinosaurs, specifically the velociraptors and gets involved with Owen Grady this way. However, Ian is worried for his former lover and goes to the island to try to convince her to come home…
The Second Ex-Mrs. Malcolm. A student at the university that Dr. Ian Malcolm taught at in the 80s and hid inside his lectures to get away from a clingy ex-boyfriend and found the mathematician utterly enrapturing. Fresh off his divorce, Ian unfortunately falls for this student and they begin an affair.. which leads to Jen getting pregnant with their daughter, JT. The two get married quickly but things quickly turn tense even before he has an affair with a woman named Simone Curtis. They have an incredibly messy divorce.
A residential school survivor who became a “paleozoologist” to distract her from her childhood trauma. While working at a zoo in Austin, she meets her future (ex?) husband, Ian Malcolm, and they hit it off. However, they eventually break up after their marriage due to differences in careers and Ian’s penchant for flirting. John Hammond puts out positions for zoologists, zookeepers and various other medical and scientific fields which is how she winds up working at Jurassic Park. Its here that she reconnects with her ex-husband and they make it work this time.
If you looked up “middle child syndrome” in the dictionary, there would be a picture of JT right in the center. She is the second child of Dr. Ian Malcolm from his second marriage and is only a few months older than Kelly Curtis. The summer of 1993 would change their lives forever when she winds up going to Jurassic Park and getting traumatized. Regardless, she winds up getting into veterinary school and works at Jurassic World to try to get over her trauma.
The younger sister of Ian Malcolm and… lover?! Wow! Graphic designer with an interest in paleontology that is dragged to Jurassic Park by her brother. I made this character as a joke.
An orphan turned velociraptor hybrid thanks to Ingen being evil. She works with Owen in the Raptor Pen and teases him a whole bunch. I think she was shipped with Owen when I made her but I already.. have… too many. fuck it shes shipped with Owen and Dr. Henry Wu.
A fun-loving nerd who was living with her cousins in the city and was sucked into Kingdom Hearts 2 immediately after the opening cutscene. She has never played the first Kingdom Hearts game which makes her feel even more like a fish out of water, despite that, she adjusts to the situation easily. She’s weird in that cringey “i’m not like other girls random XD” way and doesn’t have a filter… like scraping her knee and then dropping to the ground to lick it clean even if she’s in public. Extremely outspoken and a firm believer in Equal Rights TM, she can and will sit ur sexist asses down >:(!
Resident new kid with a big family that just moved to Twilight Town. She’s a blunt but energetic and ultimately friendly young woman who just wants to chill. She has a penchant for bright, bold colors and spicy foods. She’s fond of the game struggle and soccer. Her best friend is Olette and they might have something more than just friendship going on… Also tsundere for Seifer.
The Vodka Aunt to Alistair Hennessey’s Wine Mom. Dazzle–if that is even her real name–is a “marine social worker”, but who cares about that when she has big generous e cups? She is very trashy and takes pride in that, so it’s kind of a surprise when she crosses paths with Hennessey who takes her into his team. They plow all night when the man isn’t plowing Steve’s wife.
A childhood friend of The Onceler, who was a grade a head of her in school while she was classmates with Bret and Chet. The two met when she went to his family’s house for a group project, though it wound up her doing all the work before Oncie stepped in and helped out since he had that teacher before. As the two grew older, they had an on-off relationship either because of timing not being right or his family being irritating. The two had a fight before he left to go search for the perfect material for his thneed, and while he was travelling she had moved to Greenville to look after her rich aunt’s house while she traveled. They met up once again and things began to pick up once again… Though the relationship ended as the environment became more and more destroyed. She has a strong interest in baking and runs a small cafe that her daughter takes over.
Daughter of the Onceler and Cipher, though she didn’t know who her father is since her mother had left before her memories could start forming. It wasn’t until she was in her late teens that she had found out who her father was, after seeing some old articles and magazines that showed her mother with him–some photographs showing her pregnant or with an infant. She’s less than happy about this and isn’t in close contact with her mother, even after taking over the cafe and turning it into a franchise that she hopes will make it to other cities.
Avalon’s daughter, though she doesn’t want to stay in contact with her and only calls Cipher in dire situations. She lives with the Wiggins, renting a room that she hardly ever leaves. She has a crush on Mrs. Wiggins and dances with her to embarrass Ted the very few times she’s out.
A soft-centered and mild-mannered princess who rules the Patisserie Kingdom, a small nation that borders on Sasaraland and the Mushroom Kingdom. Possibly a descendant of Princess Shokora’s family. She’s in love with Princess Peach.
The Most Beautiful Creature in the Galaxy, formerly just the most beautiful girl in her city that had an interest in astronomy and all things space. Apparently. Allie N never felt that she truly belonged in the world, and only really felt “home” when she stared into the night sky or in her astronomy course in university. Her world is changed when she is abducted by space pirates-slash-traffickers on the ship named Penny Priddy, then that ship is attacked by The Ravagers, another crew of pirates. A member of the Penny Priddy asks Star-Lord/Peter Quill to take Allie N to his home planet, Jhazalla, since it turns out she’s actually a member of that race. She and Peter FALL IN LOVE~
One of the last of it’s race, Genesis is a captain of space pirates-slash-traffickers. She’s carnivorous and loves to eat, especially pretty Terrans or aliens resembling them. Her ship the “Penny Priddy” was technically named by a Terran that had gotten away, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord the LEGENDARY OUTLAW.
An adrenaline junkie and massive fan of Spider-Man, Jamie is an intrepid journalist intern who works for the Daily Bugle simply because they had the best pics of Spider-Man. She had a one-sided rivalry with Peter Parker who always managed to best her when it came to photography… So she gets the idea to get herself in dangerous situations to beat Peter at his own game and winds up meeting her idol himself! After a dozen or so run-ins, Spider-Man gets on a first name basis with Jamie. One day while on the hunt for a case, Jamie gets bit by a radioactive spider that gives her all the powers that Spider-Man has… plus the ability to summon spiders. She takes on the mantle of Arachnophobia and helps Spider-Man. The two eventually form a real bond and he reveals that he was Peter this whole time. The two begin a relationship and tragedy strikes, ending Peter’s life. She gets scouted by the Spider Society by Miguel O'Hara himself and the two use each other to poorly fill the voids in their hearts.
A twenty-two year old “genius” when it comes to robotics. She has a deep obsession with robots as well, dreaming one day that she’ll have a robotic body along with creating a sentient companion. After almost completing a semi-sentient robot, she is accepted into a school funded by Stark Industries… Which doesn’t last long after an incident. She falls in love with Ultron after seeing news reports of him and his “army" and is devastated when he’s destroyed. Months after Sokovia, she downloads a virus from the internet which turns out to be The Love of Her Life hiding from the Avengers. She agrees to help him get revenge and to build him a new body, as long as he picks up from where he left off.
An interpretor/translator for Captain Genesis of the Penny Priddy and part of the Jzhallan race.
A photographer with an interest in super heroes, though maybe the term “paparazzi” would be best used to describe her. Zelda is a woman from Winnipeg, Manitoba but moved to Harlem in NYC to try to “make it big” like her sister (a popular newscaster in Winnipeg) did… though in a different way of course. As a child, she was afraid of everything and had dozens upon dozens of phobias that she might’ve tricked herself into. Through comics and superheroes, she slowly overcame those phobias but wound up becoming overly reckless and addicted to adrenaline rushes. She’s deeply attracted to Spider-Man, often forcing herself into dangerous situations in hopes of getting a glimpse of him or possibly getting rescued by him! Wow! However, that was put on hold after she met a man named James Wesley and it WENT PLACES
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A former internet musician that dabbled in the kawaiishit, breakcore and other shitposter music that broke into the metal scene. She went viral after remixing and doing covers of Dethklok songs and caught the attention of Toki who asked to bring her on tour. Its here that she meets the band and tries to start her own metal band after becoming inspired. She is still a horrid gremlin that wants to fuck Charles Offdensen.
A former water mage from Hoennia, a strange realm known for its beauty and sensuality, that took up fire magic after getting her ass beat by Monsoon. A vindictive follower who finds herself swept up in Zaghi’s game.
An upcoming actress who broke into mainstream action films after a long string of sleazy romance and drama films that border on softcore porn. She’s the costar of Johnny Cage, the supposed main draw to the film, as the love interest. The two butt heads a lot… but could a steamy affair start?!
The daughter of Grey Cloud, more commonly known as Nightwolf. A shy, soft-spoken girl who has trouble putting herself out th
A jovial older Native American man who loves his son dearly. A former police officer in New York that settled in New Jersey. He’s an old friend of Nightwolf and eventually starts a relationship with him.
A Native American woman with the power to control light and make it physical. A supposed orphan that was taken in by Nightwolf and the Stryker family. She kindles a romance with Kurtis who was slightly jealous of everyone’s powers. The two get married but are in a long distance relationship due to career differences. Their love is still deep and true even in death.
Childhood friend and lover of Jonathan Carlton, professionally known as Johnny Cage. The two went to the same school and lived in the same neighbourhood for years. She supported his dreams of becoming an actor and tried to protect him from bullies until he literally broke a guy’s arm in half after taking martial arts. The two ultimately split up, sort of, when he began to travel the world to further his training. The two hit each other up for bootycalls every now and again.
A water mage hailing from Hoennia and friend of Surge, the Hoennian Supreme. A prideful woman who has a penchant for cocky pieces of shit. She finds herself falling head over heels for Johnny Cage, an Earthrealmer, who she eventually considers to be her “fated one”.
An ‘aspiring sorceress’ from Earthrealm, who in reality was just one of those white girl witches on Tumblr, who died in a tragic accident in a Denny’s parking lot. Because her soul was so evil (and because she stole bones from a local cemetery to sell to other Tumblr witches), she was immediately sent to the Netherrealm where she met the sorcerer, Quan Chi. Immediately, she sensed his power and stalked him, trying to take in and copy his awe-inspiring power. Eventually, he got sick of this and tried to kill her but was entranced by her dark beauty. They smashed and he was so impressed by her succ-skills that he took her in as his protege. Sometimes she sucks Shinnok’s dick for power or when Quan Chi pisses him off but that’s rare. She also had a band called Our Bloodsex Dreamhouse.
A shy, awkward and frankly greasy girl who belongs to one of UA’s general courses. Her quirk is called “Dazzler” which causes her bodily fluids–mostly sweat–to reflect light at an alarming and flashy rate and she can cause “light shows”.
An ineffectual villain who goes to a normal high school and is spiteful towards UA for rejecting her application. She has the ‘Graffiti" quirk which allows her to turn two-dimensional aka super flat. She uses this power to cause mayhem and mischief and steal things. She calls herself ‘Joker’ as some asshole picked the name Phantom Thief already!
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Sakura’s younger sister who had the personality of Naruto but less dumb. Hyperactive, nosy, oblivous and easily frustrated (especially when it comes to romance; both when her friends won’t act on their feelings or just plain PDA). Her best friend was Hinata and Naruto and she kept trying to set her up with someone because she hated seeing her friend being left alone.
The daughter of Kakashi Hatake, who apparently had an affair with a girl at the age of fourteen in another village but stuck with her in between missions or whatever else long enough to be there for the birth of his daughter. At some point, the two had split apart and it had been seven years since he saw his past-lover or his daughter. A hyperactive, creative teenage girl who does not have any semblance of a filter. She’s the type to insult “moody” people to their faces and has little patience for people like that. Or patience in general. Supposedly has a seal keeping a lust demon inside her or something. I was on some shit at 12.
A would-be kunoichi from Hoshigakure, the move to Konohagakure putting her a year behind most genin in her year (the average seeming to be 12/13 years old). Her ‘branch’ of the family was ostracized thus the move, the current head of the branch is her older brother Subaru who hopes they can make a name for themselves in Konoha. Hoshiyo is shy and honestly a cry baby, which might explain why she gets along well with Hinata Hyuuga who seems to understand where she’s coming from. While glad for their friendship, Hoshiyo wishes they could be more than just friends but wants Hinata to be happy with the man she’s been watching from afar for years. Seeing Hinata’s determination to learn how to stand up for herself and constantly improve inspired her to try harder in her own skills and as a person as well. Generally, if you’re determined and an underdog, she’s going to admire you. Which… is why she admires Rock Lee as wel
A nervous wreck of a human being who just moved to Konoha after the death of his family and aims to be a genin. He falls head over heels with Hinata Hyuga at first sight. I did not like this OC too much as a kid so oops.
A jonin from Hoshikagure who belongs to a branch of the Kanmuri clan that was ostracized due to his and his mother’s disagreements with the main branch. They moved to Konoha in hopes of making a name for themselves and getting petty revenge on the ex-family. He’s a prideful young man who happens to be a chainsmoker.
An adult in their twenties that worked as a janitor in the office building that Dunder-Mifflin’s Scranton branch was located. No one had seen them speak for the first year they were around and it became a joke that they were a ghost… but no one could decide on the gender of the ghost. Eventually, they took up an unpaid internship while still doing janitorial work, hoping they could get a job that didn’t get them mocked at family gatherings. The jokes about them being a ghost and their gender continued, while some of the workers tried to tell the others to quit it as its none of their business.. even if they’re curious themselves. Over time, they become friends with Toby and Kelly, though the latter is more her deciding she liked Cam because they listened to her.
A childhood friend of Saitama from before he gained his strength. It was thought that the two would end up together but it just didn’t work out. She found love in Satoru, also known as Mumen Rider.
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A girl caught between the war of Socs and Greasers. Her older sister tells her to keep her head low, don’t get involved and just focus on her school work… which she does. However, this doesn’t stop people from trying to pull her in. Awkward but ultimately sweet and booksmart, Joey does her best to help anyone when it comes to school work. It’s for this reason that she accepts the request from the school to help tutor Johnny Cade and help him learn to read, which is a bit of a struggle but she tries. In between schoolwork and tutoring sessions, she works at a local diner to help with her abusive father’s gambling debt.
The leader of a girl gang that happens to be an off-shoot of the Greasers. SW is Joey’s older sister and does everything to protect her and keep her out of gang business as she believes Joey actually has a future. She has a large scar across her face that intimidates a lot of people thanks to her drunkard father.
A girl living on the “Greaser” side of town that is loved by the Socs due to her beauty. However, she doesn’t like the Socs due to their cruel treatment of the Greasers. She sings at a local bar and club despite her being underage to pay for her poor family’s bills.
A doctor who signed up for the Avalon and Homestead II project who is unfortunately awoken 90 years early due to an asteroid collision. Jim Preston, another passenger who was awoken by a similar incident a year earlier, saves her life.
A thirty-something plain jane art teacher who has been in love with her senpai since high school. When she gets a job at Shujin Academy and reunites with her crush, Suguru Kamoshida, she is quickly engaged to the man she had been obsessed with, not knowing he was using her as an alibi for the abuse he had dealt to their students. When the secrets come out, Jun is devastated but thanks to her student, Ren Amamiya, she finds the strength to move on.
The daughter of Lilith and Yu Narukami, Marina is supposedly the goddess of roses and seafoam who was sent into the past to experience the love of a human. She has found love with Junpei Iori. This was a joke character I made.
Stephanie and Junpei Iori’s eldest and only daughter. Minako was named after their friend who had passed away young. She is an elegant goth lolita and prefers to stick to herself, finding other people annoying and herself just horrifically awkward. A Persona user that belongs to the High Priestess arcana.
A foreign exchange student from Canada, Stephanie “Desu-chan” McCormick is an excitable Japanophile who loves anime, video games, j-fashion (specifically lolita) and various other things. She runs a vlog about her daily life and has recently gained more attention now that she is in Japan for the yaer. However, things are shaken up when something called The Dark Hour is made clear to her and she awakens to a power called ‘Persona’.
Stephanie is sent to stay in Tokyo. She is, of course, ecstatic about this development. She is currently staying in Roppongi with her host family, a family from Austrailia who moved to Tokyo ten or so years ago. She's currently set to enroll in Shujin Academy, a school that seems to want as much positive attention as possible. She's pretty excited! Though, due to some fancy transfer scholarship student and a delinquent with an assault charge, she's... kind of faded to the background. And yes, she gets in trouble for her hair.Her loud personality more or less gets her ostracized from her peers but she tries to make the best of it. Besides, she still has her fanfictions and crush on the celebrity, Goro Akechi, to take her mind off things!
An athletic tomboy with a complicated relationship with her gender and gender roles as a whole, Tomoko is honestly a massive ditz that isn’t taken too seriously. She’s upbeat, enthusiastic and friendly… it’s a mystery as to how she’s friends with Hanako Ohtani. She awakens to her Persona after being thrown into the TV when her struggle with trying to participate in sports teams is broadcasted. She’s considered to be a weird airhead with weird tastes… which probably explains her attraction to Teddy (especially in his bear suit).
A ten year old girl who was finally allowed to go out and have her journey after tEAM ROCKET BOMBED HER SCHOOL FOR SOME REASON? She is from Kanto and opts to use water pokemon, but has a major penchant for Jigglypuff! She meets Ash and the gang and has a connection with the protagonist… wrow… (I made her when I was 11 lol.)
Best friends with Dolores/Lolita-chan, who is her dormmate, Catalina is a girl who is also obsessed with anime and Kalosian fashion. She’s cheerful, friendly and a bit of a ditz but loves to battle. She’s not as obsessed with battles as Nemona but don’t be surprised if she asks for a couple rematches. Her favorite types are “anything that’s cute”, which is probably why she gets along with Dolores so well. Like Dolores and their classmate, Emilia, she fawns over Professor Jacq… though, her heart is also stolen by Raifort and Salvatore, who has an edge over everyone due to his experience in Kalos. She’s hoping to one day visit Sinnoh and become a coordinator after doing a few years in fashion in Kalos. She has big ass dreams. She is approached by Cassiopeia to take care of Team Star and meets Ortega properly for the first time and finds him absolutely adorable.
Born in Paldea but moved to Hammerlocke in Galar shortly after she was born, “Lolita-chan” is a boisterous young woman with big dreams of becoming an idol and social influencer like her favourite gym leaders, Raihan and Iono. She has a fascination with Sinnohian and Hoennian culture… mostly for the media they produce. She has a massive crush on her biology teacher, Jacq, but doesn’t act on it due to having a girlfriend who goes to another school.. you don’t know her, though.
A chunnibyou (a person suffering from “Eight Grader Syndrome”/'second year middle school syndrome") who is desperate to appear unique and be adored by people. She pretends she’s a hippie-psychic princess who dabbles in psychedelics and other such things to appear unique. She does not have psychic abilities and the highest she got was when she was drawing anime characters with nothing but sharpie markers and the fumes from the markers got too much. Her favorite types ARE poison and psychic types but she does love ghosts… but keeps quiet about them. Save for her Gengar, he’s cool. She has beef with Atticus that ironically does go back to their second year of middle school. Poison Chunni on Poison Chunni violence. She has a crush on her teacher, Jacq, and hopes to complete her pokedex to make him happy. She’s currently focusing on Team Star and Arven’s quest.
A grunt for Team Star, specifically working in the Sengin Squad under Giacomo, who was there from the start. She had a crush on Giacomo since his days as a stuffy and strict student president and thinks he’s the coolest. She’s the wannabe big sister type. If you’re a new member or student, she is gonna want to take you under her wing whether you like it or not. She’s book smart but has zero street cred or smarts… and has a tendency to act stupider than she actually is to fit in. Pseudo bimbo. Fawns over her team leader who might not know how she feels.
Pronounced like Gabriel. Emphasis on the Gay. A mean character I made for my pokesona insert when I was like 10 where she was my twin sister and was evil and was kept locked in a cage cuz Prof Birch was an asshole.
An aspiring nurse from Snowpoint City who was inspired to become a nurse after her childhood Eevee (now an Espeon) was saved by one and comforted her as he recovered. Eventually, she began to travel the world and has a 'portable pokecenter’ that allows her to heal pokemon, feed them and the trainers and similar things. While in Unova, just outside of Nimbasa City, Medee decides to settle down and finish her nursing degree after meeting Mr Garrison from the Water Company.
A haughty girl from Ballonea that is trying to make her soul 'the right shade of pink’ so she could one day become Opal’s successor. A lonely girl growing up, mostly due to her parents working so much and her own bratty attitude, Muffy found solace in the theatre. She and Opal grew to know each other on a personal level due to her constant attendance to every show. When she’s denied the position of successor, Muffy decides to go on her journey to either prove that she’s pink enough or become champion and show Opal what she’s missing.
A recent university grad who jumped right into teaching, Paloma is an established romance novelist (under another name!) looking to settle into teaching literature to the next generation. She’s a soft-spoken daydreamer with a penchant for Galarian Ponytas… or equine pokemon in general. Her writing has slowed down as she got used to teaching but when her coworker, Professor Jacq, is introduced to her… she’s inspired like nothing else!
Resident fangirl of the Power Rangers and cousin to Lady, Emi is an avid fanfiction writer for the Power Rangers fandom online. Unable to take it anymore, she decides to move in with her Uncle Ian to get a glimpse of the rangers in action. She one day gets involved in a fight with a monster and steals the monster’s magic wand… and uses it to transform into White Racer, the unofficial sixth turbo ranger. Based off the character Radietta Fanbelt from Carranger.
The only daughter of a famous and successful movie director that has unfortunately been spoiled rotten her whole life. Despite her rotten attitude, she has a rather infectious energy and genuine confidence that seems to win people over.. even after they see through her sickly saccharine act. It suits her #aesthetic. She would become the Pink Wild Force Ranger in her later university years (as she tried to get her bachelor’s for graphic design), after getting not-quite brainwashed by Toxica to fight against the Wild Force rangers. Though, her loyalty is shaken when she becomes smitten with Danny Delgado, The Iron Bison/Black Wild Force Ranger
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A rather literary bully, to say the least. Or at least a cartoon/teen soap opera stereotype of one, complete with the insecurity and “hidden depths”. Lady has either been bullied thanks to her name and shy demeanor or simply hasn’t had the chance to make and keep a lot of friends, since her dad moved around a lot. When her father, a popular paleontologist, decides to ‘retire’, he chose to move to Angel Grove ‘for good’. Deciding to take a chance to make her last year of school her most bearable, she decided to reinvent herself… into the type of person that picked on her growing up. Her target of choice is Billy Cranston, partly out of it simply being easy with him and partly out of feelings she isn’t quite ready to deal with. Though, their relationship slowly became something else over time (on and off, as high school drama typically goes). Unlike the other Rangers, Lady came across her Power Coin, The Purple Velociraptor, which was thought to be lost in the conflict with Rita Repulsa eight thousand years ago. Her father uncovered it during a dig and kept it before giving it to her as a “good luck charm” when she first started high school. Lady kept it with her in a locket with her ever since. Whenever there was a conflict and the Rangers were near by, the coin seemed to glow… She more or less learns how to morph and summon her Power Gauntlets (with great difficulty) on her own and feel extremely drained afterward. Of course, she’s found out and made an official part of the team.
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A rather independent ten year old girl with a penchant for photography and bugs (much to her mother’s chagrin). She had been in the system since she was an infant, and luckily found a ‘permanent’ home with Lady, who became a foster parent two years ago. She’s rather introverted and passionate about her interests, which includes getting shots of the Power Rangers. She eventually moves in with her Uncle Bulk after his business adventure ends and becomes a barista in Panorama City. Its through this job that she meets Antonio Garcia, her boyfriend and future husband.
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A kind girl with a big heart but… is rather naive, gullible and slow to pick up on sarcasm. If it weren’t for her brute strength, something she has trouble controlling despite her absolute best efforts, she’d be extremely easy to bully. Only Rance can bully her, but, she’s one of the rare girls he’s genuinely nice to. Because of this naivety and gullibility, a lot of people have tricked her into doing some pretty stupid things/quests for free and she doesn’t complain even after she figures it out. It’s good to help people after all. She has a tendency to daydream and overidealize romance; she wishes she was more feminine at times so she could fit the idea of princesses in her head and have the weird fluffy sexual stuff after her dream wedding. The one man she does sleep with, Rance, she hopes to marry one day but sees that he’s in love with someone else (Sill) but wouldn’t mind sharing in that case. Despite her wanting to be feminine, in theory, she loves to fight/wrestle/spar and do heavier labour as there’s nothing more satisfying to her than to get her blood pumping and muscles burning.
The daughter of Desu and Rance. A young mage who doesn’t know about her father and is on a search to meet him one day. Kind of haughty, kind of dry and whiny but ultimately a good girl.
Desu, a girl from the Free Cities finds herself in JAPAN (Nippon) without any memories (a lie) and wanders until she’s in the Houjou Territory, managing to protect herself with her prowess in magic which spreads throughout the country. Eventually, she collapses in the capital and is taken in by Souun himself. However, the Houjou territory is soon captured by Oda, specifically the foreigner taking charge for him. They butt heads a lot.
Daughter of Aellae and Demon King Rance.
A young Native American adopted into the Hawke family at the age of sixteen, as they didn’t have an 'heir’ to the family’s fortune and numerous companies. One of the companies of interest was medical in nature; pharmaceuticals, bioengineering and other medical techs. Recently, it was purchased by Umbrella Corporation which the Hawkes are more than happy about despite shady rumours about the company’s even shadier practices going around. Ianthe is thrown head first into the business world and all that mess after the purchase, their parents “wanting them to be useful for once” and figuring “the best way to learn is just throwing them in there.” Swept up in a business they don’t really understand, Ianthe finds themselves drawn to Albert Wesker, a doctor and figure at Umbrella (and Raccoon City Police’s S.T.A.R.S), who is interested in them for their connections and wealth–as he was planning on leaving for a rival company soon anyway. Their relationship is a very intense, physical one with no “love” on Albert’s part, who mostly views Ianthe as a way to entertain himself. After his apparent “death” in 1998, Ianthe was broken from Albert’s treatment and lack of closure on their part. After three years of counselling, they were put into an arranged marriage with a nice enough heir(ess) from a rival company (that was quickly and conveniently bought up by the Hawke Conglomerate) though things were awkward… but going.
After Pitch’s defeat, he was left to rot in his lair, alone and weak and vulnerable to the things he loved relishing onto other people. In his loneliness, he created a “child”, a girl around Jack Frost’s age and named her Eros, as he wanted to be showered with the “love” and companionship he craved. Eros was a willowy young woman; jet black hair (that became rosier and rosier with time), moon white skin and a penchant for “goth” fashion that got more pastel with each visit to the human world. She was shamelessly devoted to her master and did whatever she could to make him happy, including using her POWER OF (manic) LOVE to cause fear and chaos in the world. She mainly targeted and fed off of “adult” love, as intense as love could be for children she still felt wrong using them for food.
A flashy young woman who is the daughter of a famous artist/muralist in the state. She’s best described as a frat boy artsy theatre kid mixed with a 64 pack of crayola crayons. She acts loud and obnoxious but its a front to hide her insecure and lonely side.
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A young maid who works for the Desmond Family and is in charge of taking care of the young master, Damian. She cares for him deeply, perhaps more than a servant should, and he cares about her as well. She is often chased out of Eden Academy for checking up on him too often. As you can tell, she has been rather listless since he started living in the dormitory. Things change slightly, maybe not for the better, when she meets Yuri Briar, Damian’s classmate’s uncle. She falls in love with him immediately and tries desperately to start a romance with him.
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An OC I originally made when I was 10 where her originally backstory was overly tragic; she was a human born with blue skin, orange hair and a tail and had blue blood. This caused her family to abandon her because no one could figure out what had happened. She was quickly pulled into the dark side and groomed by fellow would be Sith Lords: Gridius, Zalrath and IForgetRichard'sOC. She was also involved with Boba Fett somehow but I got called out on how mary sue that was and quickly said I MEANT POPO FLETT WHO IS A PRINCE OBSESSED WITH HER. She eventually suffered an eye injury that made her blind and she uses the force to see.
Her new backstory is now she’s the last member of a dragonic alien race whose planet was destroyed. She was sent to Naboo in a secret Superman baby capsule and grew up alongside Padme who she loved. Then Padme fell in love with Anakin for some reason. When Padme died of a broken heart, Talarth vowed to get revenge on Anakin by succumbing to the dark side. She then uh.. instead got shitfaced in space bars instead. She wound up joining the First Order because she’s evil and angsty and mad at Luke for some reason and saw TEH DARKNESS within her and Kylo Ren’s soul. Yes, she is an alien GMILF.
An eccentric and strange Gem that most avoided on Homeworld thanks to her obsessive nature and inability to keep herself entertained for a period of time. Incredibly impulsive and flaky, she will make rather rash decisions without thinking and chooses to “go with the flow”, as it most likely leads to more excitement. She joined the Rebellion out of boredom but left the Crystal Gems after the Great War to wander around Earth. During her alone time on Earth, she had befriended many humans who housed her but outlived them all. One of which was a young human that taught her many things. After he passed away, she began to become aware of how truly lonely she was even before she came into his life. She is obsessed with fusions and finds them beautiful, in a rather perverse way. Admittedly. Humans are her second favorite because of the time they spent together and because they’re usually not boring.
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A recent high school graduate who volunteers at the Hawkins Public Library to get some good references for university.
Originally a rhythmic gymnast with a dancer background, Neroli started participating in fighting tournaments using capoeira. She hails from Canada and wants to make a name for herself in anyway, so she tends to wear flashy outfits in hopes that it’d make her stand out more. She has a crush on Juri Han, surely that would work well for her.
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A beautiful woman who is cruel, sadomasochistic and spoiled rotten to the core, she only really cares about herself and the few people that truly matter to her. She believes that she is better than everyone else and will let you know that; there is only one person that she believes is “better” than her and two others that are on the same level as her (her father and younger sister). Usually takes the role of an accomplice to the villain or a secretary.
A young woman who works as a secretary for Lamp as a day job, despite not really caring for his opinion on robots (which she doesn’t particularly care for either). Her father was a boxer that worked for the mafia, often winning or losing fixed fights for cash, and taught her how to fight to defend herself. He wasn’t counting on her getting into underground fighting for money and simply because she wanted to. It’s here she gains the attention of a (disguised) Rock Holmes, whom she spots in the crowd and falls in love with at first sight but ends up losing the fight because she was so distracted. She becomes his right hand henchwoman and lover; she’s hopelessly devoted to him because he’s the first person she’s fallen in love with.
After moving from Japan to Metropolis, Daiya hoped that she would become successful or at least have a steady job. However, it turned out that most jobs were apparently being taken up by robots and she couldn’t even get a factory job. She’s forced to live in Zone-2 and after a while resorts to prostitution to try to make a living, but fails. After giving up for the night, she heads to a bar where she meets a drunk Rock. The night ends with them going to her place and sleeping together, which he pays for. A “relationship” between them starts, at first it was based on money and sex and eventually became a “friendship”. Overtime, she began having romantic feelings towards him but isn’t sure how he feels about her. It’s revealed that she’s pregnant but isn’t able to get a hold of him until hours before the Ziggurat falls. She’s given a ticket and money to get out of the city, which she reluctantly takes and isn’t sure if she’ll ever see him again.
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A Native American that came from Canada, no one really knows much about them as they are extremely anxious and keep to themself. Works at the hotel as a housekeeper, also offers their cleaning services to others in town. They’re attracted to both Audrey Horne and Special Agent Cooper, but anxiety keeps them away despite wanting to getting to know them both just as friends. Ran away from home in Manitoba when they were fifteen, and only made it to Washington by chance and stayed in Twin Peaks because of how small it was and how unlikely it’d be for some one from home to wind up there.
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Your typical tomboy character that somehow managed to get ahold of a boy’s uniform and the teachers don’t give her shit about it. Hitomi is a student in Yugi and his friends’ class that somehow both barges into conversations obnoxiously and keeps to herself most of the time. It’s more than obvious she has a crush on Jounouchi, but refuses to speak up about it and is borderline tsundere towards him. In GX, she becomes a hot teacher I guess. Hitomi Nakajima was my default template for an OC back when I was younger so there are TONS of OCs that are just her but futher developed (Hazel Nylan used to be her lmfao).
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A sloppy Sweet Lolita duelist that’s participating in the Battle City Tournament. It’s kind of clear that she doesn’t care if she wins or loses, which confuses people as to why she’s even participating in the first place. The only things that Ringo appears to care about–besides herself– are dresses (BtSSB or bust) and money (…to buy more dresses), though other cutesy things are also important. She takes extreme care of her dresses and is almost violently protective of them, yet the rest of her is rather sloppy and unkempt (wild hair, loose sagging socks, no makeup and scuffed up shoes) in comparison. Other people find her creepy thanks to her wild eyes that peek out behind her hair and her unsettling nasally laugh or find her annoying because she simply doesn’t shut up and is fully aware of that. She likes cute girls and getting boys worked up in one way or another–hitting on Shizuka Kawai in front of her admirers and her older brother, Jounochi Katsuya, seems to satisfy both of those interests.
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Another student in Slifer Red that no one really ever talks to unless absolutely necessary. To others, she’s seen as a creepy slob that doesn’t put any effort into herself and that’s sort of the truth. She enjoys both playing and making eroge, the latter giving her a bit of cash on the doujin market. Despite locking herself up in her room out of choice, she’s very lonely and her one wish is to make at least one friend. As a kid, she had difficulty making friends and only really had one and he taught her how to duel. Unfortunately, he had moved away and they had no ways of contacting each other. Anais joined Duel Academy in hopes that she might possibly meet him once again. She thinks that it possibly might be Yuki Judai, but is too nervous to approach him.
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A student in the Slifer Red dorms that’s considered fairly popular among the female students (and staff) because of his gentle nature. He is very svelte in form and is considered to be a pretty boy, which probably helps his popularity. Soul could be considered a talented duelist, but he has terrible luck and often doesn’t get the cards he needs/wants so he loses and has to rely on exams and assignments to get through school. Momoe Hamaguchi is very interested in him due to his looks and his very open interest in cute, traditionally “feminine” things. He is interested in both her and Judai, the latter he’s only spoken to a few times. Soul himself identifies as “femme” and is fairly open about it, though he’s had to develop a very thick skin because of this (or at least pretend he did).
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Momoe Hamaguchi and Taiyou Torimaki’s youngest daughter and the only one that chose to go to Duel Academy. A rather sweet and energetic “genki girl” that’s easily startled/scared, so people like to pick on her a lot because of that along with the fact she’s a heavier girl. She tries her best to ignore any gross comments or people giggling at her, as she knows that they don’t really matter. Kaori is rather atheletic as well, baseball being her sport of choice and badminton being her second choice. Despite both parents being in Obelisk Blue and her going to a specialized middle school (her own choice of course!), Kaori is in Ra Yellow and doesn’t seem to mind at all.c
A delinquent in Slifer Red; terrorized teachers that let her get away with a customized uniform with bandages and all. She’s the daughter of Rei Saotome and Haou, it’s unknown if her mother knows about her behavior at school or not. There are rumors that Koden might be a sadist, due to how often she gets into fights (and wins by prolonging them for as long as possible) or her scaring other students. She likes sugary sweet girls and fried egg sandwiches.
The Dhampir daughter of Asuka Tenjouin and Camula, that vampire lady from season 1. She’s very sensitive to the sun, though it isn’t life threatening, and tries her best to avoid it as much as she can with a large parasol and strong sunblock. Moira is extremely popular with female students on the island due to her ethereal beauty and supernatural charm and glamour… which works out great for her because she’s gay as hell. Extremely flirtatious and “sultry”, but is actually kind of a nerd that uses glamour to make herself seem like an anime princess. Totally has that anime rich bitch laugh.
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A super hot and sexy young woman looking to make some dosh. She joins [WORD I CAN’T SAY] Rich Productions after seeing “Swallow my Cockaccino” and meets Deacon and Lester the Molester and revolutionizes the POV porno industry.
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