xX Chapter Seven - bakura!?!??!?! Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

"Hey wanna go 2 the park today?it's THE WEEKEND!" you scream into sleeping joey's ear "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHWTF?o ok...wait th wekkend...SWEET!" he says waking up.You smile and pick out a
red shirt,black capris and red converse
black shirt ripped jeans and black convers (ya srry about the converse i think there are kewl)
You pick waht evr you chose(up above).And go inotthe bathroom turn on the shower and wash your hair and yadda yadda yadda...
20 minutes l8er
"are you done joey?" you ask as you brush your hair "ya...." he says as he comes out of the bathroom kssing you on forehead.You giggle "let's go then!" you say smiling.You two walk out of the house both eatin a muffin...lol....."j-j-jaycelynn?" a guy says.You turn around slowly You drop your muffin "Bakura??????" you say shocked "you know him already?" joey asks just as shocked "tis been so long!" you smile."ya i know".You wave goodbye and walk up to joey agian "see you around!" you say.
Bakura's POV
~wow been aloong time since i've seen Jaycelynn.....she's more beautiful than i remeber 7 years ago~
"mommy? can i go to the park across the street from grampa's ?" you ask as you get out of your gramps's hose."ok then make sure you donm't get hurt!" you mom says when she was still alive.You run across the street smiling happily.BAM! "oww soryy!" you say as you look up.you see a boy with white hair."let me help you up!" you say as you take his hand andhelp him up.he dusts himself off and smiles"I'm jaycelynn!" you say smiling "i'm bakura!nice to meet you!".You two run to the sandbox and make a sandcatsle."i gotta run now" you say dusting your self off "see you tommorrow!"
a few years later
Yuo see ten year old bakura walking on the sidewalk "BAKURA!" you scream as he turns around"hey you got back!" he smiles."ya of cousr it's summer vacationin canada!"you smile.You guys play tag for a long time and you colapse on the geound laughing "i'll come back next year!" you say smiling."you promise" Bakura asks with his pinky in the air "ya i promise!" you say taking his pinky and tying your's with his.
Presnt time bakura's pov
~she never came back the year after taht .....i'm gonna win her back~ you think smirking
Yuor pov
You and joey are walking aorund the park laughing and having a good time."it's been along time since i came 2 this park agian" you say."really?" joey aska staring at you "ya..7 years.."
srry i hate cliff hangers 2!
you:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i waited soo long 4 this 2 come out!
me:srry man!