xX Chapter Two - video gmaes and a confessment Xx
Authoress' Note: [there wasn't one]

"Ms.Trudeau you will be seated next to.....Seto Kaiba" Mr. Jenga said "SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Seto screams.All the others give you and him a deathglare
REgular story
A huge anime sweatdrop appears on your head.you walk over to your seat you notice Seto's shirt~wow the guy's uniform is so much better than the girls I wish I had that uniform...~*sigh*" you think still staring at his shirt.Joey notices you staring at Kaiba and..
Joey's POV
~Dammit!he has to have a better body than me!~.You write a note to Jaycelynn and ...
Your POV
A paperair plane flys over to you and you catch it and open it
"Why are you staring at Kaiba's shirt??????? :S
you read it and you grab a piece of paper and write "Bcause the boy's uniform is alot better than the girls!!!! XD
Love Jay"
you throw a ball of paper at yugi's head and whisper "pas it to joey!""M'kay!" he whispers.Yugi throws it to Joey and "oww!what the" he whispers.Joey opens the ball and he looks at you and nods.You blow him a kiss and wink at him.He blushes and turns around"Trudeaut and Wheeler!" Mr.Jenga yells "yes? sir?" you say "you two detention!" "Dangit!" joey yells "Aw come on!!" you complain
*+*+*after school*+*+*
You walk to the seat next to joey and sit there"hey" you say (tee hee that rhymes)"Hi jay i think the girls uniform is cute" he whispers "why just because the skirt is so short" you tease.He sticks his tounge at you, you giggle.
30 minutes later
"*giggle* it's rainin!" you smile "you like the rain too?" joey quseions "ya who wouldn't?wanna come over to my grampa's place I'm kinda bored and i wanna have some vist" you say "ya sure!*he winks at you and you start walking*".you walk a few blocks and open the door "wow I didn't know your place was so nice"Ya that's what I thought when i moved here,let's up to my room" you smile.Joey turns crimson "I-I uhh umm..." he stutters "you prevert!*you stick your tounge at him and he sticks his at you* nothing like that!" you tease.
Fast forward
"wow nice room!" joey exclaims "ya I have an Xbox 360 you wanna play it?" you ask "hell ya!!!!" he smiles.You set up the 360 and put in Rumble Roses XX.You win a round" ya know I lost jsut so you wouldn't cry!" he complains"riiiiiiiiiiiiiight" you stare" I'm not a spoiled brat! ya know!" after a few more rounds you win everyone of them and "ok one more round i'll bet cha this time!" he grins "O ya in your dreams".you let him win this round because you felt sorry for the poor losesr :P.Then you totally smoked him after."We've been playing this game for 2 hours Joey!" you exclaim.
hjoey's POV
~wow she's good at video games..Do i love her? oh my god she's resting her head on my shoulder!~ "Joey...." she says looking up at you "ya?" "what do you think of me?" she asks."Well I-I umm uhh like you you're pretty,kind and funny" you confess " she stares at you with her beaultful hazel eyes "you just like me?...." she stares down at the floor taking her head off of your shoulder
Your POV
*sigh*"Because I really love you...." you confess.A tear rolls down your cheek.You look up at him he's staring at you with his choclatey brown eyes "hey don't cry...i love you too" he confesses wioth a smile."I." he gets cut of with a kiss with passion.The door swings open "GRAMPA A BOY IS EATING JAYCELYNN'S FACE!!!!!!!!!" Rebecca screams.Your grandfather is running to wards you and is practically pummling Joey.A huge anime vain appears"REBECCA!GRAMPA!IT WAS MY FAULT!" you scream in fury."oh sorry son!" your grampa stutters "oww my head..." you run over to Joey grabbing his head
"oh my god i'm so sorry Joey!" you cry in worry.you give Rebbecca a glare "heh heh I'm walking out niow!" she runs away and your grampa inches away then eventally runs away to closing the door "hey are you ok?I'm so sorry about my grampa! you cry."oww it's ok Jay not the first time i got beaten by a old man" he stutters "oh my god you were abused by your father?": you start to cry "hey..don't cry" he sayus lifting up your chin" you don't have to cry over me".you wrap your arms around his neck and lean in for a kiss.
Awww how sweet!