xX Chapter Three - date night! Xx
Authoress' Note: [there wasn't one but please fucking HELP]

The Next Day(Your POV)
~wow last night was ........magical I can't belive it!~.You are running to your locker*SLAM* "Owwww watch where your gling you.."Seto says"AHHH!oh man I'm sorry " He syas when he sees you"Aww man sorry that I slamed my locker in your face Seto-kun....."(you call everybody by the japanise suffixes)"You like me enough to call me kun SWEET@!!!"he says dncing around.A huge anime sweatdrop apears on your head and you grab your things and run to class."Hey Joey!" you say as yopu see him .He sees you but glares at you"Joey!...JOEY!!!!!"you scream and he walks over to you and "can't belive you did that ...I thought we were ........more than freinds"he syas looking at the ground"What did I do?!"you yell"You made out with Kaiba as soon as I left your hjouse!at least thats what Tea said"he says now looking at your eyes "WHAT!!!!!I LOVE YOU WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT!!!!" "Jaycelynn....." "Joey...look you can't belive what everyone tells you now I'm gonna kick Tea's ass be rioght back" you say as you walk away "Hey Jaycelynn!"Tea says as if nothing happened"YOU SLUT!!!"*You punch Tea in the nose and it bleeds*"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!""FOR RUINING MYLIFE!!!!!".TEa kicks you in the shin and you pull her hair and so on and so on.."CAT FIGHT!!!!!"Tristan says with a smirk"Shut up Taylor!" yo glare at him and "I HATE YOU TEA!" you get up and walk away to clean up the blood on your arm."Hey JAY!" you hear joey running to wards you .He hugs you and doesn't let go for along time.
YAY JOEY LOVES ME AGAIN!!!! me:swaet drop appears
After school
"Jeoy!Wanna go out with me sometime!" you say with a smile"I-I- W-W- would love that!" he stutters"umm ...seven?' "Ya that would be great joey!" "There's this new place in town and..maybe a movie?" "I can pay for the dinner!" you say with a smile!
2 hours before the date
"REbbeca!I need help!!!!"Yuo say nevouly"Yes?what do you need help with?" "Can you help me pick a dress???" you say
she picks a ornage strap less that goes to your knees and a green sweater
red dress with a navy sweater
green top with blue capris
You pick your out fit and take a shower.You get out and put on vanilla flavoured lip gloss and no make up because you belive in natural beauty.*Ding dong*"Oh he's here already!"You say to yourself and running down the stairs to open the door"Hi jo.." You see Seto smiling with roses."What the hell????Seto?Where's Joey?"You say shocked"ummm...heh heh I wanted to give yu these just for....being you..".You hesiatate at first but you take them and give him a peck on the cheek"Uhh thanks Seto-kun.....I gotta go..bye" you say as you slam he door in his face"WHATB THE HELL KAIBA!!!!YOU TRYING TO TAKE JAY AWAY FROMMME!!!!!!????" you here as you take a step away from the door.You open the door adn you see Joey pumeling Seto
yay!Joey is beating up Seto0-kun!
OMG!SETOO! me"what the hell get out!
"Oh my....Joey stop please I don't wanna be charged..." you whisper in his ear "M-kay" he says gettign off of Seto"Let's go to that palce Joey-kun!"you smile "Ok Jay..You look great!" he says smiling and blushing.After you eat at that place and pay for it you go to the mvies."Hey let's see..
Pirates of the Carribean Dead man's chest
Star wars 3
harry potter 4
You pick your movie adn you laugh at the funny parts and don't do anything at the sad parts you just stare at the girly girls crying "Hey jay your differrent from other girls" Joey whispers.You put your head on his shoulder"Ya i know it's part of my charm*snicker*i had alot of guy friends"you whisper back.
yay I love JOEY!!!
I WANT SETO!!me:*loads gun and shoots you in the head* i told you NO!
Sorry I'm leaving you here! I wanna take a Harry potter quiz!