xX Chapter One - moving to domino Xx
Authoress' Note: Hi I wanted to make something different instead of Harry Potter and Naruto!I wanted to make a Yugioh love staory.Ok! You are a 16 year old girl hazel eyes,bronze skin,jet black hair that is up to your tail bone.your a bit shy....Oh! your name is Jaycelynn Trudeau.

You arrive from the air port seeing your grampa running towards you "Why Jaycelynn I didn't think you would come to Domino City!Your cousin Rebecca has been asking to see you all year!"he says hugging you ."So grampa thanls for lettin me live with you! after mum n' dad died"You say smiling.You get in the car drving to your Grandfather's house.
A few hours later
"Wow grampa nice place!" wow scream in excitment"Well you start school tommorrow and your uniform is on your bed" he tells you."Aww man does it have to be a pink uniform!why can't it be orange and green!" you say in disgust as you thorw it in the closet.
ya i know i wish that it was green!
THe next Day
"WAKE UP JAYCELYNN!!!!!!" a little girl with blonde hair and glasses screams ontop of you"AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...o it's just you Rebecca!GOD i missed you" you say as you to hug."wel you gotta go 2 skool Jay" she says .You have a river of tears in your eyes a huge anime sweat drop appers.
1 hour later
"*yawn*I'm still tierd Becca" you yawn "o shut up already oh! here are my freinds" REbecca says excitedly "Hey! everyone this is my cuzin Jaycelynn she's livin with me now" "Hi!*yawn*" you yawn.You look up to see a guy with brwon spiky hair,a short guy with blonde,purple and black hair,and a girl with brown hair."Hi! I'm Yugi Moto!nice to meet cha!" Yugi says."I'm Tristan!,"I'm Tea and it's great to be freinds *she starts babbling about friendship and everybody get anime sweatdrops*" Tea babbles."Puff puff hiya guys,hey Rebecca who's this "A blonde guy says outta breath."OH!hi i'm Jaycelynn Trudeau nice to meet cha!" you say staring into his choclatey brown eyes."Oh hey Jay *syaing in a hawt Boston accent* I'm Joey
Joey's POV
~wow sh'e beautiful! nahh she's must be too good for me...~ you thiink sadly
Your POV
~wow he'shas to be the cuteset guy i ever seen~ you think starry eyed.You act ;ike you to are the only ppl in the world "uhhh when are they gonna stop being love-dovey?!"REbecca says sighing
Yugi's POV
~she's pretty cute i like her but i think she likes my freinds joey............Dammit!~"i hope they don't go to prom together or this will never stop"you say bitterly
Tristan's POV
~dang she's hot but look at me!I'm not hot like her~*sigh*
Tea's POV
~everybody's gawking at that whore and not at me!!!!dammit! even Yugi's staring at her and he's the polite one~
Back to your POv
1 hour later
"Ahh take a seat Ms.Trudeau please introduce your self" the teacher says"Hi I'm Jaycelynn Trudeau!I hope I can be freinds with all of you!" you say smiling.You get a huge anime swaet drop when all of the guys including Seto is drooling at you and all the girls have anime vains on their heads."hmm you wil.l sit beside ...Seto Kaiba" the teacher says (his name is Mr.Jenga)"SCORE!!!!!" Seto screams.All the other boys give him a deathglare