xX Ch 17 - mai and bakuar?! Xx
Authoress' Note: hee hee a tribute to one of my many hobbies....YAOI!I'm not a fan girl of it but i hardly get to see yaoi anymore since i gto back to my crappy school after my xmas holidays...so ya..BANNERS CAN PEOPLE MAKE ME BANNERS I KNOW I KNOW "YOU LAREADY HAVE A BANNER!": but can a fan help me out a bit?so if you do wanna make me a banner...GREAT! so ya...hee hee I LOVE JOEY!lolz oh and no Mai and Bakur are not together in this it's just something.

"it's a lucky star!HERE!" you said giving joey a blue star you made. Normal story "huh?what do i do with this?" Joey asked looking at you with his beautiful brown eyees "well you can keep it and it'll bring you luck in whatever you need!i made one fro myself and well i became the Canadian queen of games!" you said rubbing the back of your neck.
"OH REALLY?DATS AWESOME!" he said flashing the smile that made your heart melt.~oh god i could just melt into him right now..~ you thought blushing slowly pushing up your new glasses.Joey took off your glasses and looked at you "did you need glasses before?" he asked looking at you eyes "ya but i lost my last pair and contacts are irratating!" you said smiling."You look cute with glasses but you look beautiful without therm ya know dat right?" he said brushing the hair out of your face.You continued to blush deeper
.~oh god I'm so lucky to have him...I can't live wihtout him now,i'm his now....~ you thought just gazing at him.
Joey pov
~oh wow..she's looking at me differently..she's fallen in love with me..i can't tell her about Mai..why do i feel like this towards Mai?I should be only focusing on Jay..~ you thought looking a bit depressed.
"Joey..." Jaycelynn said "is there anything wrong?..you seem depressed and what you said in class the other day" she asked touching your face "..it's nothign don't worry about it!" you repiled smiling weak;ly."oh alright" she said starting to work on a shiny white star."umm...how do you make them so fast?" yuo asked pickin g up a orage paper ribbon out of the box "oh it's easy you have to fold it like this..." she said shwoing you step by step.
20 minutes later
Yuor pov
Joey amde a orange star so far."oh thats not bad fro a first try!" you said smiling."oh i gotta go..Yugi said to meet him at he shop so see ya later jay!" he said kissing you."see you!" you waved as he left."YES NOW I CAN WATCH MY YAOI VIDEOS!WITH OUT HIM BEING OFFENDED!" you cheered runnign to your computer desk turning on your laptop.You went on your website and started looking at a certain yaoi video untill... "OH AND JAY YOU CAN COME IF YOU WANT I JUST REMEBERED!" Joey sai scarign the crap out of you."AHH KNOCK NEXT TIME!" you said turning around "hey..whadda ya looking at there eh?" he said walkign over to your desk."AHH UMM NOTHING!DON'T LOOK!" you said panicing "................" he was gonna say somethign but nothijg came out "heh heh" you said with and anime sweatdrop.
"YA LOOK AT THIS KINDA STUFF?" he said wioth s stunned look on his face "heh heh ya...been a habit fro 4 years funy eh?" you said while Joey did an anime fal "so ya wanna coem with me or look at your..yaoi videos all day?" he asked looking at you normally."eh i'll coem just let me turn it off" ou said turining off your lap top.
Fast foward to the game shop
"let's not tell anyone what happened last night or..it'll spread!" you say with a worried smile."ya of course jay!" Joey said with a worried smile also.You two walked into the gam shop "hi yugi!" you smiled when seeing him "hi guys!"| yugi said smiling.
Yugi POV (in his mind)
Yami looked at you "I feel like i've seen her before..and it wasn't at the party..I sense evil coming from her Yugi" You looked at Yami "oh she's just a normal girl.what if she has a yami too?!" you asked looking at yami "possibly yugi..possibly" yami said. Normal yugi pov "what's wrong Yug? you looked stranged and dazed kinda like Jason whenh in deep thought"Jaycelynn said cocking her head to the side.
"umm jay...do you know any of your ansestory?" you asked looking at her "...err....I think there was this one girl..in Eqpyt before..i can't really remebetr i was never there.." Jaycelynn said with an anime sad face "sorry if that what you didn't want to know.." she said
Your pov
"oh let's go to the musuem!we'll probably find something out there!" Joey said "WOW YOUR ACTUALY SMART FOR ONCE!" you said not thinking "oh srry so used to doing your homework fro you heh heh" you said with a second anime sad face.You three walked outside the door walking to the musuem. Fast foward You bumped into someone like about 2 blocks away from the musuem."oh so sorry!" you said getting up and looking up at the person you bumped into,It was a blonde woman,wearing a slutty outfit that disgusted you,she had violet eyes,and she was probably around...24.
"Well watch it next time girly!" she said glaring at you "ar-are you Mai Valentine?!" you asked remebering the time you went on the Duelist Kingdom website before you entered "yes i am" she said "Hi Wheeler and Yugi" she said "you guy know her?oh ya you three do know each other from Duelist Kingdom!" you said witrh an anime sweat drop "and who are you girly?" Mai asked with a confused face "Jaycelynn Trudeau,queen of games in Canada!" you said with a smile."Queen of games huh why did you come all the way over here in Japan?" she asked "I-i-i don't wanna talk about it..i came here to get away from the pain.." ypu said letting your bangs fall ontot your face.Joey was kinda acting weird around Mai and you looking very very worried.
Joey POV
~oh my god whatta am i gonna do?!Mai AND Jaycelynn are in front of me at the same time!AHHHHHHHHH!~ you thoguh panicing.
[ the end... technically ]