xX Jaycelynn's Diary Xx
Authoress' Note: ok this is a diary of Jaycelynn Trudeau NO NOT ME!I'M NO POSTING MY DIARY OUT! well the girl in my joey wheeler story

Dear Diary,
I'm on a plane to Domino City,Japan!This isn't the first time i've been there...I feel horrible..no not plane sick...about Bakura....I promised that I would be back that one year.....7 years ago!SEVEN BLOODY YEARS AGO!
*Flash Back*
"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME BAKURA-KUN!" you screamed "OH YA WELL WATCH THIS!" Bakura yelled tacklinbg you."you're not like other girls jaycelynn-chan!to bad you can only coem here 3 times a year!" "ya i know it stinks!" you creid out."well...there is still the Winter break right?" he asked looking inot your eyes "ya!"."well bakura..i guess i really like..more than a freind...." you said blushing "REALLY?!" he said eyes shining bright "ya!why would i lie to my best freind?" "i really like yuo too!".You two smiled "promise that we'll meet again next year!" he said lifting up his pinkie "PROMISE!" you said latching your pinkie withn his.
*end flashback*
...that helps witht nhe Bakura part..i guess
Dear Diary,
I started school today,I seen Bakura but i wasn't really sure if it was him or nbot...well anyways..i met a really nice boy today!his name is Joey Wheeler THE SECOND PLACE DUELIST!THE LEGENDARY JOEY WHEELER! well i also met YUGI MOTO THE ONE THAT BEAT KAIBA SOO MANY IMES@
ya it was a total honour to meet them....ugh I hate Kaiba he's such a freaking perverted rich bastard!well back to Joey
He has Blonde hair,reallly,really,really,REALLY cute brown eyes!they are full of pain and innocence....am I falling for him?....I just met him today though....I'm not sure...he's like really nice,protective of his freinds,he seems to have a roguh street boy attidude but he has a heart of gold underneath that ..thats good!
oooooooookay then
Dear Diary,
It's BoA's birthday today!my fav singer ever!ya...i wonder if anyother famous people were born today well anyways,in January it's my birthday i'll be 17!it'll be Joey's Birthday too..i finally asked him but ya....it's on the 25..mine is on the 24..conidense? i dunni if i spelled that right....
ooooooooooooookay..then TIMES 2!