xX Chappter 16 - lucky stares Xx
Authoress' Note: lololol *sigh* thatb they last tiem i'll be writing gettign ym friend to write those...i nose bled for reading that..i dunno why i'm retarded sumtimes ok so enjoy Lucky stars is a little art projust i did in ym spare time.I belive that the Koreans make those also.it's pretty mich paper folding with a paper ribbon and shaping it into a star.They bring good luck. [i wrote the sex scene idk why i lied like that??]

Joey pov
You woke up that morning,hearing running water.You looked beside Jaycelynn wasn't there.Soon the running water stopped andthe bathroom door openeed with Jaycelynn in hte doorways wearing a small blue towel around her perfect body.She walked over to the closet very queitly porbably thinking htta you were still asleep."good morning jay" you said eyeing your loved one."oh I thought you were still alseep joey" she said smiling.You got out of bed putting opn your pants."is school cancelled today?" Jaycelynn asked "ya it is..i think.." you say."let me get changed first ok?" she said grabbin ghte clothes she had picked "ok" you said flashing that msile that made hger blush.She blushes and she rauns into the bathroom.and bakc out before myou had your shiort back on.She was wearing a red shirt and black pants.
Your POV
The hpone rings and you reach to get iot "umm hello?" you ask "oh hi jay yo remebered that school was canceeled for a conference right?" you heard Yugi's voice say "oh ya" you reply "ok hey you see joey? he wasn't home last ngiht i kept calling there last night!" he asked sounding a bit worried.":ahh.....umm....he was here last night just sleeping over again heh heh" you say blushing in embarrasment "oh really?" yugi asked "ya!sleepover!" joey said grabbing the phone.Joey and Ygi talked fro a while you got out yor Luckt stars thing you got from your brother when you too lied in Canada.Even before he went to the boarduing school here.You made a green one and a blue one soo far."ya ya ok see ya late yu!bye" joey siad hanging up."hey watcha making?" he asked loooking down ater your hands."oh Lucky stars ..here!" ypu said giving him a blue o0ne.