xX Chapter 13 - hot and heavy..opps Xx
Authoress' Note:

lol i just got sugar sugar rune volume 3!and pichi pichi pitch (mermaid melody) yoday andm i read my pichi pichi pitch and ya..itm inspired me for a part in heere!
"het if you win i'll give you anythign from kaiba corp. and if i win i get a date with her!"seto says pointing at you
normal story
"GO JOEY!BEAT HIS RICH BOY ASS!" you say cheering hi on.Seto smirks "once i get my date you'll ditch this mutt for me!" he says.Yuo get and anime vein."SCREW YOU MONEY BAGS!" yuo scream.Yiugi walked by and seen you an joey reamin at seto."hey jay!you
r sounding like joey!" he says."ya i knwo he's a good teacher sin't he!" you smile.Yugi laighs and continues yto walk.
The boys start to duel
"i sumoon my flaming swords man and put him in denfe mode!and i'll put this crad faced down!" joey says msling.
30 minutes l;atetr=\ i'm lazy to type aren't i lol
"YA JOEY!I KNEW YPU WLUKLD WIN!" you say pouncing on him .you two fal on to the ground "lucky mutt!" seto says rolling his eys."hey what about the deal?!" joey says."o fine coem on!" seto says and starts to walk "o wowmi thioght Mr.Kaiba was too richj to walk!" yuo tease."good one jay!" joey cheers.Yuo two satrt to laugh so hard."umm just so i don't have 2 fo inot your office...i want a del disk!" joey says."eh?how id you knwo joepsh wheeler?!" yuo aks smirking."HWI'D YOU FIND OUT MY NAME?!" joey asks yelling "umm..joey is short for jopesh..duh!thats my gramopa's name joepsh and my granma calls him jioey..you can kinda tell.." you say smling.
*sihs* my idiot me":NO HE'S MY IDIOT! you:...sorry gees.. me:...i like him too :(
"idiot.." seto says.Yo guys make it to kaiba corp and seto come sin
10 minutes later
seto comes out of the bulidng with a duel disk and hands it to you."doe sit worrk proply?" yuo ask whle trying it on."hmm..it semms to work proply..yo se if this balha bialh" yuo say talkign for at least 29 minutes about how to improve the techinoly
Joey's pov
~omg my grlfriend is samrt too~~ you thibnk starin at the gem you treasure most.anf thats how yo can imporfe ti kaiba...and ya!" jaycelynn says takign a dep breath.are you sure?" seto says "YES!GOD I DDIN'T GET AN A+ ION TECH ED. FOR NOTHING !GEEZ!" jaycelynn says piting at a canadian report card."wait you brign these qwith you?" you ask "ya..to prove that i was a citzen of canada!" she says putting the report crd ih to her back pack.
Yuor pov
"ok tahnsk for the duel disk kaiba!" yuo say walkighn away with joey.
ya i brought money with me so i can buy my own cards!" you say starign at joey/s innocent eyes ~they're so....CUTE!~ you think smlinng "yuo know,.,you have nicer eyes than me so yuo don't have to pretend that i have the nicest eys ib the world.." jioey says."oh..THEY'E SO INNOCENT ADN CUTE!' you say thorwing your arms aorunf his shoulders."get a room!" a guy says starub at joey with envy.Yuo stick yhe finger at bim and start walkign with joey."joey?do yoy knwo any good card stores?" you ask "ay i knwo a place!" joey smiles.Yu two run to the shop and it's?
it's yugi's grampa;s shop."o this is yug's place sin't it?" yo ask "yup!how'd yuo know?" joey asks."i seen him walk in and talkign to hsi grampa!" yuo say.Yuo to walk in."hey yugi!" yuo wave "oh hi!whatcha guys doing here?" yugi asks "umm..jay needs a deck!" joe answers "o ok!" ygi smles
Yuo pick the card you want and yugi says "that's ....50 yen!" "m kay i gto enough!" you say hadning him 50 yen."see ya guys later!" yugi says.Yo two walk otu smiling.
1 week alter at school
"WHAT JOEY'S SICK!" you ask worriedly ya..his dad called th e schoo!" tristan says."i'l go cheer him up after school!" yuo say
after school
Yui run over to the apartment bylding that joey lives in.Yuo see a man walk out ~he lok a bit liek joey..good i'll be safe from a drunk guy!~ you think smling you run inot he building.Yuo walk in side and see tristan "hey!do yoyu knwo what room e lives in?" you ask "o ya second floor!" tristan says smiling."thanks!" yuo wave and start running up.Yuo ifnd the room and knock on the door.Yuo hear foot steps and tht door unlocks ans opens."jay?"joey asks in exhaustion."ya it's me!you should rest!" yo say walkign in closing the door.Joey leads you to hisroom."om just lie down ok?" yuo say."mm kay..*cough*" joey says as he staertd to lie down."are you hungry or soemthign?..is your dad goen for a while?" yu ask "ya..and ya.." he smiles."ok good waht do you want?" you ask "..soup?" he answers "ok!" ou find the kitvhen adn cook soemthing.Yuo walk into the room."ok now open adn say ahh just kdding!" yuo say holdign teh spooon.joey opens his mouth and you bring the spoon into hsi moguth and he eats it you continue doing this for about...i dunno 5 minjtes."wow yuo eat fasy now dont you?" you ask "with your cooking yes!" he smiles "awww i'm not a good cook!" yuo blush."do you mind if i hav somethig to drink i'm a litle thirty!" you ask "cola?ya of course!" joey says.Yuo drick a l;ittle bit og pepsi.~this tastes liek achohol..oh wel..i knwo it's pepsi because of the smell~ you thinm continuing dricking.Yuo stagger back to the rom."oo lok it'ds *hicup* joooooey-kuuuuuuuun!*ggiggle* he-he-he loo so hot lying there looking defencless *hiccup*" yuo say."j-j-j-joey-kun?are you drunk jay?" joey aks with a worried look on his face.you stagger back to the bed and lie down ontop of hom.Yuo stroke his hair "j-j-j-jay?are you ok?you semm.." he gets cut off with a passionate kiss.You use alot of tounge ~hesems to like it..*hiccup*~ you think smriking.
joey's pov
you feel your tounge dancing with jaycelynns ~o god..my feveer isn't going down with this..it's maing me got..~ yuo think starign at her eyes.Yuo two stkop "how'd hat *hiccup feel?did it make you feel better?" she asks still smirking "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" you say ~must not ..keep teenage male hormones under control!thats it. ic can't help it!~" you think starig at her chest.Jaycelynn get off of you and you sit up.Seh smirking at your eyes eyeing your chest."wanna knwo something?" she asks."what?" jay grabs yuor hand and places it on her lest breast.~AAAK!wait is this a bad thing?it's so soft...~ yuo thin blushing madly."can't you feel my heart racng whe im near you?" she says stik holsing your hand there "jay are you seriously drunk..i'm enjoying this but..my dad might be hetree in a few hours.." yuo ask snappign back to reality."ya ture" she yawns and colapses on yuor lap her head is on your lap and he face is bnear yuor *cough*crotch area*cogh* ~AHHHHHHHHHHHHH O GOD..WAKE UP WAKE UP!~you think staring at your sleeping angel.Yuo pinch yourself adn slap your self but you seem to be awake.
2 hours later.
"ugh..why do i feel like hel?and why does my head hurt so much?" jay asks "oo i came ehre to cheer you upp!" she says and you lo .iek an idiot smling at the celing ."umm./.didnt so thing happen..am i stil a virgin?" she asks."o ya youm are jsut.." yuo stil smlie "i better start walking hime..are yuo better here or my place?" she asks."i think i'm better st your place..my dad might get drunk again.." yuo reply and jaycelynn walk out dialing a phone."umm i'll call a cab..it's rainig out adn i thinl i'm hung over rom drinking something.." she saya.Yuo nodd and wal out of your room.
that was kinda adult.. me:srry! you"but still..it was kinda funny me:thabk you at least it wasn't lke a porno! lol
once jay called a caba nd it came anout in 20 minjtes after yuo called."iy's here joey-kun!" she says.~o god here coem the pet names..lol it's cute somethimes..i thuing she's just callijg me this because i think she';s a litttle bit stil druck ir trying to annoyme..~ you think and start to walk down the stairs with her.She staggers a little bit and so you try to make her steady by putting you rarm aroubnd her.