xX Chapter 12 - first duel Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

Once you too got tothe dorr of your house you felt like somebod wa following yo two."Joey did you here anythign when we were waljking?" you asked him "umm...no actually!" he asid with a worried look on his face"why?" "oh i thought soembody wa following me.." you said loking at the gorund "i can see why!" he said smiling and he kissed you on your forehead."*iggle* you always find a way to make me smile!" yuo say cheerfuly.(omg she said ht title!OoOoO)You to walk inside that feeling you felt otuside was gone."i'm hungry" joey said you stare at him blankly "i'll make you somethign!" you said "GRREAT!" he aid smiling even bigger.
20 minutea later
You see joey watchibng t.v. "hey!it's ready!" you cal out.He jumps of the couch and rns into the kitchen "thanks!jay!" Joey smiles.You give him _____(waht ever yo want to give him)
Joey's POV
You absoulty loved that girl,her smile,her eyes,you loved her kind personalty to.~wow i'm lucky to have a girlfreind as beautiful and kind girl like jay to me mine~ you think gazing at her "I thought you were hungry joey?" she asks "oh i was thnking about hwio lucky i am to have you "you say stil gazing at her.She blushes "awwthak yo joey!" she smiles.
You pov
~he's such a sweet talker~~ yuo think blushing"when's prom again?" you ask "o..um.." joey looks at the calendar "tow days.." he says "ok good i'm ready!" you say.Joey sarts to eat fast.
2 minutes later
"holy crao joey you're done already?" you ask "o ya..i'll eat anything!" he admits."how mu h do you eat a day" yo ask "...lots.." he says "...wow you still ghood petty good too!" you flirt.He blushes "ahhhh....um.." he stutters.Yuo laugh "oh wow 10:00 p.m already.." yo say "...wel i better get to bed you comin?" you say "...b-b-b-b-bed?!" he says
joey's pov
~THANK YOU GOD!!~ yo think smiling jaycelyn laughs.
your pov
"come on you slept in h same bed as me already!" yuo say "ohh ya..." he says."yuo can go change first~" you say.He nodds and walk up the stairs.
5 nutes alter
You walkup the satris and knock ion the door"youdone?!" you ask "ya!"he says,.Yuo walk in there and oy se joey lying there wearing his boxers in "............................can i wear you shirt as a night shirt?" you asks blushing lie mad seeing k=jeoy with out hs shirt on"sure!" he smiles.Yuo pick up the shirt and run intothe bath room.Yuo take of yuor clothes except for your panties and put on teh white and blue shirt.Yuo walk out ans jiey smriking "like what you se?" you ask blsuhing "..ya.." he says staring at you.Yuo walover to the bed and ly down on it.Yuo tow get unde rthe cover and fall a sleep
EEEEEEEEEEE JOEY-KUN! me:..he's mine!
The next day
Yuo two get up and ger dressd (in sperate rooms!).Yuo two eat and wal out the dor."after schoo, wanna go get dueling card?" yuo ask "ya sure!" he says smiling.
Aftetr school
"i gotta get a deck any ways because you never knwo untilm i get chalenged!" yuo say loking at the clouds."ya!you never know!thats why i bring this everyehere!" joey shows you his eeck."cool you have the flaming swords amn?" yuo say in total awe "ya!i do!" he sayas."yuo got a duel disk to don't you?" you ask "ya..it's ..at...my..dad's..palce.." yul sighs."oh god lok it's it's the kaiba"y uo say gagging."oh you finally acknowledge my presnse" sto says."....come on joey let's go with the plan we already ave" you say pulling joey's arm "i dont' want you two to fight.." "tell you what mutt if i win a duel i get a date with the girl" seto says smirking at you."ugh...let's jsut GO!" yuo say pulling even harder "and if i win?!" joey asks.Yo can see the fire in both of their eyes.Yuo get an aniemsweatdrop.?hmm let me see..i know!anything you want from kiaba corp." seto says.Joey lopok at you
Joey pov
~if i win i can get jay a deck with anycard she wants AND a duel disk~ you think "
deal!" you say turning to kaiba.
yuor pov
Yuo smakck yor forehead.You pull his ear topward yuor mouth "what was that for?" you whisper in his ear."i'm gonna get you smeothign from big shit over there" he whispers back "oo..wow.." you say blushing." joey says smiling."SHUT UP AND WI THAT DUEK!" yo say cherring for him.YOUR BLUSHING AGIAN!" you cheer him on.Yu acutally wanted him to win."hey let's go with traditanll dueling ok i don't have my duel disk on me!" joe y says."fine!" seto says.