xX Chapter 14 - yaoi?!??!?!? Xx
Authoress' Note: a trinute to my latest hobbh... YOAI!

"hnnnnnnn..mmmmmm..takuto..your soo sexy....heh heh...izumi is hawt too..but ur the sexiest...hnnnnn" youm mumble in your sleeep.
Joey's pov
~WHO THE HELL ARE TAKUTO AND IZUMI????ACK SHE FOUND BETTER MEN!NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!~ You think in worry."...make..out..with..joooooey..heh heeh thats haaawwwt.."she continues to mumble.You feel a hand on your..uhhhhh...umm...i think i have come up with a word for it..thingy lol..~OH MY FUCKING GAWD!~.The grip gets tighter and tighter then after a few minutes."OH MY FUCKING GAWD THE NAZI'S ARE COMING!HIDE!" jaycelynn screams and pounces on you to get you off the bed."ONCE THE WAR IS OVER WE MIUST REPOPUKATE!STARTIG..NOW!*glomp*"."AHHHHHHH I DON'T WANNA DO IT WITH YUO WHEN YOUR DRUNK!."...don't gimme that!i'm not drunk!this is world war 3!".".......................fuen let's do it.
...stupid joey..me:...i would kill for hi to teel me tjat you:.....and how old are you me:..12!
"you know i was kidding right...right?omg!i'm sorry!*glomp*" she says witrh a worried look on her face."it's alright..OF COURSE I KNEW YOU WERE KIDDING!" ~damn..so close...~."i'm, sorry about that!....wait when i was sleepinf did i .." ""ya you did...*whistle*" "oh my god i'm sorry!*blush"."what time is it?" yuo ask looking at the digital clock."..10:30....and we fell a slep at...9:00?" se answers."ya..*anime sweatdrop*..i'm awake and ya..." you admit."we could............make out..lol just kidding..wai would that pass time?" she asks blushign and smiling."ya..it would.." yuo say .Jay pounces on yuo
.....dumb ass me:buts he's a hot dumbass...lol
Yuo pov for once..lol
About 19 minuttes later you guydecidde to just watch tv and forgot what ever you did while yuo were sleeping."ANIE IS ON TONIGHT!" you say running down the stairs "wait yor an anime geek?" "ya and fricken proud of it!come on!naruto is on!" she says pulling on yuor arm.Yuo guys watch it fro about an hour and go back up stirs to go back to sleep.