xX Chapter 11 - yuor such a stalkr marik Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

"comne on you guys party's over!...jay and joey quit making out you're maing bakura sad" tea says "what the fuck?" you say "whao you just swore!" joey says "o as if yoyu never did u just swpre when you fell walkign over here" you say sticking out your tonuge" o ya.." he says "my idiot!" you say smiling with your eeys closed "ahh to cute" you hear seto says with his eyes twitchuing
".....HAHAHAHAHA!" everybody satrts to laugh "ok i gotta go anyways you coming back 2 my olace joey?" yuo ask "sure!" joey says.
Mariks pov (yes he was at the partu)
~hmm i fancy this girl~ you thik smirking."what are you smirking about marik?" yo here jaycelynn ask "nothing" you says "mmkay" she says
regular pov (your pov)
"see ya everyone!" you say smiling "bye love birds!" tea says.Your eyes twitch "umm thanks?" joey say with his eyes also tiwtching."umm......ya..bye" you say.You get out of her hose walking fat "what the hell was that about?" you say "waht did i do?' joey asks "o no not you tea!that was kinda scary!" you asnwer.
frikin tea