xX Chapter Four - detention Xx
Authoress' Note: N/A

"Ummm.....whatcha wanna do now joey?" you ask him."Uhh we could go back to your place....."
1 hour later...
"stop it!*giggle*your hurting me there!*giggle*not don't kisss me there *luagh*stop it1*giggle* that tickles!*gigle*"You laugh."I'm not stopping it until you say it!*chuckle*"Joey smirks."The door suddenly opens."Whta are you guys doing???" Rebbecca asks standing there shocked at the position you guy are in."Ummm..nothing perverted...."you stutter."Yeah nothing perverted......." joey staers at her."*cough* I'm gonna walk away now...."REbbecca inches away.
Yeah what were we doing....
Me:Nothing perverted you find out later...
Your grampa passes by your room and youpinned on the wall and you laughing with joey kissing you on the neck while tickling you."whta the heck are you doing to my granduaghter???" your grampa says "NOTHING PREVERTED GRAMPA!HE WANTS ME TO TELL HIM A SECERT THATS ALL!" you yell."Ok..." he says closing the door."Ok thank god that we weren't doing that thing....."you say shyly "Wait...why aren't we doing that?" Joey says jking around."Pervert!" you say playfuly hitting him on the back and sticking your tounge at him.
stupid joey...*laugh*
Me:Ya i know but he just has thatcharm..*drools*
damn....*you start to cry*
Me:*anime sweat drop* prev...
"Hey i was joking!" he says laughing hard."Riggggggggggggght"you joke."Whatcha wann-" he gets cut off by a passionate kiss he falls on the bed you fall along with him.
30 minuts later....
Yuo finally break away from that kiss."It's 10:30 now.....I should be getting home now.." Joey sighs."Nooooooooooooooo stay with me tonight ..." you plead.you start to blush "Ok then" he says with his choclatey brwon eyes sparkling."Nothing perverted is happening" you tease "fine I'll be leaving then" he teases back.you throw a pillow at him he jumps on the bed adn thorws another pillow at you.You hit him on the head with a pillow and soon and so on.
You lean in your faces inches away from each other.you fall on top of him breathing hard."should i get off f you?" "No i kinda like the way it is..*chuckle* " "your funny joey".
The next day
Nothing happened last night well nothing perverted.just laughing adn a kiss and sleep."WAKE UPP YOU TWO!!!!!!" Rebecca screams "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" you two scream.You get ready ,eat and walk to school."SLUT!" Tea screams.an anime sweat drp appears om your head "I just stayed at her place last night nothing happened just laughing a kiss " Joey sighs.
In class
You walk over to your seat setoo starng at you "Whta do you see in that mutt?" he asks "He has a charm and cares about me he's funny,charming,adn thought ful" you confess "He doesn't care about getting me in his bed" you glare."Pfft as if I'm not like that" Seto smirks."Shut up I might get a detonion with you and i only like being alone with Joey you bastard" you glare "attidude i like that" he confesses "Ugh" you cough.You write on a piece of paper and smush i up into a ball.You throw it at yugi "Owww.. oh hey pass this to joey right?" he asks "Ya thanks yugi!" you smile "He throws it at joey adn he reads it.l"Is that a note?Mr.Wheeler?"Mr.jenga asks
~Oh crap!~
"Dear Joey,
You have permission to kick Kaiba's ass after school because he was fricking htting on me......after that let's go to my place after school!
Jaycelynn XD" He read the note.
"Oh god..."You groan "SLUT!" Tea yells."Detenion for Trudeau,Wheeler for passing notes,Tea for profanity,and Kaiba for sexual harresment !" the teacher demands."SHIT!" everyone graons.
ya...that teacher is a bastrd isn't he?
That bastard!
After school
*tick tick tock* the clock ticks* "Dammit if that clock doesn't shut up i'll pulvrise it!" you scream.You walk u and sit down next to Joey."Hey,are you gonna kick his ass later?"you ask "Ya that bastard never learns does he?"Joey whispers.You and joey look over your shouldre and Seto winks at you adn smirks adn mouth"you know that you want me inside you"."Thats it you bastard!you wanna go right here roght now!"Joey yells.He drop kicks seto,punches him yadda yadda yada."GO JOEY!" you scream.
2 hours later another hour has been added for fighitn.
You walk in the rain with your head against Joey's shoulder and his arm around you're waist.