Once in a Lifetime
Lady Johnson's father told her that moving to Angel Grove would change her life. The last thing she expected was becoming a superhero clad in purple tights and some Talking Head to tell her she's been destined to wield the power of the Velociraptor Zord. When she's not battling the Monster of the Week with the other losers in her class, she's battling the horrors of school work and growing up. It looks like someone brought a John Hughes script to a Zord fight.
Rating/Warnings: A high Teen rating for language, bullying, 90s edge.
Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers, VR Troopers or any of its characters. They originally belonged to Saban Entertainment and Disney before being sold to Hasbro who currently owns it.
Status: Indefinite Hiatus. I kinda fell out of Power Rangers after Netflix removed nearly everything after the Hasbro purchase.
New Feeling
Summary: "You'll make friends if you let it happen, Lady."
Spring Break in Angel Grove was soon. Billy was planning on staying at home and working on his projects while his friends were going out of town. However, things are changed when he’s asked to spend time with the new girl, Lady Johnson, who lives across the street. Lady has not taken the move from Cross World City to little Angel Grove well at all, but Billy is going to try to help her out. Though, things are easier said than done.
Notes: This is a crossover with VR Troopers as well.
This is a Perfect World
Summary: What was supposed to be a collection of oneshots in the Ladyverse.