a real bad time

Author's Note: wrote this on my phone in 2016 ahgudfh. also this is the same girl in the gil fic!

They sat in an almost comfortable silence in the car, their hearts still warm and tingling from the overall pleasant night they had. The only thing that kept Dante and Rhapsody from being completely comfortable was a slight tension between them.

“Rape Me” by Nirvana played on the car stereo and it was the only reason why the woman stayed in the car. According to her. It had started playing as Dante pulled up to her house and she asked if it was okay if she stayed and listened to the rest of the song before going in. It was her favorite off the album. Apparently. He said he didn’t mind and sat there with her.

It was probably just a way to keep the night from ending, in all honesty. Not that Dante minded. He didn’t necessarily want it to end either.

Fuck if he was going to ask if he could stay the night though. He couldn’t risk potentially ruining everything tonight. Even if they did sleep together before. More than once. A handful of times. But still.

Eventually the song ended and Frances Farmer started playing, but Rhapsody didn’t make any attempts to move. He looked over at her, noticing she kept opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something but just couldn’t spit it out.

Like usual.

“So…” he started, pushing up his glasses since he figured he was going to be leaving soon. “I’ll see you Sunday morning then?”

She blinked then nodded. “Y-yeah… First thing–I mean. If I’m not busy with returns…”

He smiled and gave her a nod as well, trying not to frown as he watched her reach for the door. But she froze. Hope swelled inside his chest as she turned towards him suddenly. “Something wrong?”

“N-no. But. Y-you’re not working tomorrow are you? L-like… Opening?”

“No… Day off.” He swallowed. “Opening on Sunday though. Same as you.”

She squirmed, her lips pressing in a hard line like she would when trying to hide a huge smile. “…Anything… Planned?”


His heart was pounding and his blood began to race. 'Come on…'

“A-ahhh c-cool. Um. Actually. M-my family isn’t home. Like… Not until the afternoon. Do you wanna…” She lolled her head from side to side slowly, her lips still pressed together like before. “Come inside…?”

Yes.” Shit, that sounded so desperate. Was it desperate? Fuck. “I mean… Yeah. Sure.”

She grinned, finally swinging the car door open and locking it before practically slamming it shut. Which Dante did promptly after killing the engine. They ran up to the small house, the buzzing static between them coming back just as intensely as it did earlier in the night. He sucked his teeth, watching her impatiently as she tried to unlock the door with shaky hands. He wasn’t sure if it was thanks to the chill in the air or if it was from excitement for what the night might bring.

Eventually they were inside and Dante fought to keep himself from kissing the girl. Fear of looking desperate–in all honesty that was her job–and maybe possibly misinterpreting her invitation filling him as he followed her inside.

“Do you want something to drink?” She asked, avoiding his gaze.

“Yeah. Sure. What do you have?”

Rhapsody shrugged, leading him through the living room and past the hallway that lead to her room. Not that he was staring longingly at her door. Nope.

She swung the fridge door open while he stayed in the door frame, watching her bend over to get a better look. He tried not to stare. He really did. He didn’t even realize he was staring until he caught her gaze when she peeked behind her. Her lips were curled in a small knowing smile for a split second before looking back in the fridge. “Ummm… I guess my mom bought beer… I’m gonna. Have. One. Do you want one?”

He nodded despite not really planning on drinking tonight. He had to drive after all. But, it was possible he might not have to for the rest of the night. Maybe. Hopefully.

One drink became two. Two became three. Three was four. Within less than hour. Maybe.

Dante maybe had half of another one and he wasn’t sure if Rhapsody was gonna have another. She was giggling a lot and was pounding them back faster than he was.

“Tonight was soooo fun, D-Dante…” she said, leaning against him on the couch, her hands grabbing the arm resting on the back and pulling it around her. He swallowed as she pressed into his side more, more warmth spreading through him as he looked down at her.

“I’m glad,” he said simply, reluctantly stretching away from her to place his drink on the coffee table in front of him. His glasses slid down his face somewhat. He didn’t even realize they were still on until now. With a sigh, he took them off and was about to put them in his jacket pocket.

“Noooo…” The woman whined.

“No?” He laughed, looking at her again.

“Leave them onnnnn… You look cute.”



He laughed again before putting them back on. “That’s something a guy wants to hear. How cute he looks.”

She pouted, moving onto his lap and resting her head on his shoulder. “You know what I meaaaan… But I like them.” Her fingers walking up his arm then shoulder before running through the back of his hair. “Wish you wore them all the time~.”

“You like my glasses that much?” He raised his eyebrows at that. He didn’t care for them at all really, finding them to be kind of a pain in the ass so he only put them on for driving and reading far away things.

“Yes~.” She grinned, fingers twirling in his hair before moving to kiss him rather chastely on the lips. “I thought you were cute when I’d pass by your class in school and you had them on~.”

“There you go again with that…” He grunted when she smacked him maybe a little too hard on the shoulder, making him forget what else he was gonna say.

“Anyway…” She began before pressing a kiss to his jawline, making him shiver under her touch. “I think… You should… Keep them on… For the rest of the night.”

He rolled his eyes before giving her a smile. Even if he wasn’t expecting this to come up because of his glasses of all things, Dante felt relieved and almost ecstatic that yes. He could stay with her longer and fool around tonight. He had to make sure though. She didn’t seem drunk, at least no more than he was right now. “So you want me to… Stay here for the night?”

She have him a nod, looking away from him again and trying to hide a smile. “I want you to stay here… And fffffuck me until I can’t move~.”

He breathed in deeply through his nose, blood rushing to his face and to his dick at her words and how hot the look in her eyes was.

“I wanna still be sore on Sunday…~”

“Okay, okay, okay. I was already up for it the moment we pulled up to your place.” He said, managing to not sound too pathetic. He cradled the back of her head with one hand and the other resting on her ass before he pulled her close.

Their lips met once again in a frenzy, completely unlike the chaste kiss just a few minutes ago. He wished that her hair was down so that he could run his fingers through it, but he settled for roughly groping her hips, which made her groan out. She pressed herself flush against him; clothed breasts squishing against his chest and her rolling hips grinding hard against his own. Heat pooled inside them, every swipe of her fingers and scratch of her painted nails against his scalp igniting an inferno under his skin. Her lips were soft and smooth, a hint of plastic-y cherry mixing in with the bitter taste of the beer they both drank.

“Fuck, Dante…” She gasped out when she pulled away just for a second, shrugging off the leather jacket she wore before throwing it into a black heap on the floor. She never stopped moving her hips, making him buck under her in a desperate attempt for more warmth. More contact. More friction.

They kissed again, their noses bumping into each other at first before she tilted her head to the left. His glasses were slightly askew and fogged up. If it were any situation than this, it would’ve irritated the shit out of him. Both his hands moved to her waist, pushing her down slightly each time she would grind against him in an effort to add more friction. The bare skin of her stomach felt so hot under his hands. He was sure he was going to melt under her.

She moaned into the kiss, pulling away for the second time to breathe for a second. He took the chance to attack her overly sensitive neck with his mouth. He tried not to smile at the whimper that escaped her as he pressed kisses along her pulse. The thought of making her come by assaulting her neck and grinding against her alone came to mind while he sucked on her neck. It wouldn’t have been the first time she came from her neck being touched. The first (and only) time that has happened was a surprise. A pleasant one at least.

“D-Dante…” She gasped out before pulling herself off of him.

He groaned at the loss of contact but was pulled onto his feet before he could complain. It wasn’t until he was upright he realized how sloshed he was. But he needed her.

They scrambled out of the living room and down the hall to her door. Dante contemplated just pinning her against the wall and taking her there but she had yanked him into her room and slam the door shut before he could even tell his ass to grab her.

Rhapsody worked on ripping off her own clothes. The thin sports bra staying on as she somehow got her jeans off with her socks and shoes still on. He threw off his jacket and pushed up his glasses, keeping with her request to keep them on for the night. His fingers undid his belt and pants before stopping.

She had this kink where her partner was clothed mostly. Or something. Shit, she’d probably die happy from overload if he kept his on with the glasses.

He gently pushed her into the bed, the mattress squeaking under him as he crawled onto it. His hand dipped between her legs, pads of his fingers running along her still clothed slit. “Are you wet enough for me, babe?”

She shuddered before falling onto her back, whimpering as he pressed against her clit through the fabric. “Fuck…!”

Dante felt like humming. He was so happy. Tonight was amazing and it was going to end on such a high note.

Both his hands slipped up to her hips, fingers hooking onto the sides of her panties and sliding them off. He felt confident, especially since she was already squirming and panting under him.

“F-fuck…” she whispered, her body flushed from arousal and the alcohol. “Touch me…”

He knelt down between her legs, swallowing at the sight of her cunt. Sadly, she wasn’t as wet as he would’ve liked. She was only sort of damp when he touched her. Whatever, he could fix that.

“Bijou,” he said hotly, noticing how she shivered lightly at how he said her name. “I’m… Gonna eat you out, okay?”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes please…!” she said, more than obvious desperation in her voice.

He let himself smile at that. Memories of her gripping onto his hair and grinding into her face, whimpering and eventually crying out in pleasure playing in his mind. It was nice to know she was so excited for this. It had been a few weeks since then, but he was confident that he could make her come as close as he did before. The only thing stopping her from finishing right then and there was her begging for his cock. Overall, a nice ego boost.

He wrapped his arms around her toned thighs, licking his lips before diving in.

At first it was nice. She squirmed and sighed under his touch, small whines escaping her especially when he sucked on her clit. But something was off. She wasn’t really get wet, per say. At least, not like before. He kept on going anyway, hoping it’d get better.

Dante. The fuck are you doing..?” Rhapsody said flatly, sitting up and staring down at him.

“Uh.” His eyes flickered from her face and down to her cunt, noticing how she was only wet because of his spit.

“You’re doing it… All fuckin’ wrong. L-let me show… You…”

He figured she was going to point where exactly she wanted it and how she wanted his tongue. It sucked, considering how good he felt about his oral skills–shit, maybe it was because of the booze.

But she didn’t. She pushed him away, nearly off the bed, and was now facing away from him. The fuck was she doing?

A deep breath. Her legs and hips suddenly swinging over her head. Her hands on her hips and…

Holy shit, Bijou was eating herself out.

Gone were the feelings of insecurity and intoxication. All Dante Hicks could feel was confusion and awe. He couldn’t even suck his own dick when he had tried. Randal’s cousin died when he had tried to suck his own dick. At least with dicks it was on the outside. It made reaching a bit easier. He guessed. Not that it mattered considering he couldn’t fucking do it and he doubted anyone else could.

He didn’t even know chicks could do that.

Was this hot? Was it supposed to be hot? What he did know was that this was kinda weird and he didn’t know how to feel. And that he was pretty much sober now.

'Fuck though,' he thought, just watching her go to town. Unable to move.

Dante didn’t have to watch for much longer since she finished within a minute. Yet it felt like an eternity. She cried out when she came. She even squirted. What the fuck.

The woman sighed as she swung her legs back onto the bed in a normal position. She lay there panting, her eyes closed and her body trembling as she came down from her high.

Then she passed the fuck out.

“Jesus.” He said, getting up and picking his jacket off the floor. Part of him felt like he should stay, as he said he was going to. But the rest of him just felt confused and weird at what had just transpired. He needed to tell someone what the fuck he just saw. To help him make sense of this shit.

"A girl eats herself out right in front of ya for free and you come running over here at one in the mornin' to bitch to me about it?!" Randal cried out from the other side of his bedroom window. "Get outta here!"